13: Beginning

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The next morning everything felt different. Elizabeth knew that this was going to be the last relatively normal day of her life. As a Pilae, she was always going to live in fear of Visionaries coming for her power, but after today, they wouldn't just be seeking her power, they'd be seeking to kill her. The thought crossed her mind that maybe she could live a normal life, maybe she could just defend herself for the rest of her life, but all of the possible outcomes to that situation ended badly. Elizabeth did not want to put anyone in danger. She may have been a cold being but she knew right from wrong.

She sat up in the motel bed, wiping at her eyes to help wake her up. Looking to her side, she noticed Carr still fast asleep. 'Did that really happen? she questioned.

Quietly, she got up, grabbed some new clothes, and managed to make it into the bathroom without waking the beast. She locked the bathroom door behind her and walked to the mirror, staring herself down.

"You can do this. You've taken on everything life has thrown at you so you can handle this," she said to herself in the mirror. "Do it for mom."

She took a fast shower and freshened herself up before exiting the bathroom. She found Carr sitting on the couch. "Took you long enough, thought you'd be in there forever."

"Good morning to you, too."

Carr stood from the couch and walked over next to Elizabeth. "I'm sorry, love. Was that not a nice enough greeting for you?"

"Not really, asshole."

"Ooo someone's cranky in the morning. Better change that attitude before we enter Amaten... actually, keep it! Maybe it'll put you in that 'I want to kill you' mindset."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the malicious Carr before plopping down on the couch and putting her heels on. Elizabeth wasn't about to take on a good fight and not look fierce while she did it. "Look, remember what I said? In and out before anyone knows, got it?"

"I remember."

Carr was acting a bit stranger than normal and Elizabeth definitely noticed. Maybe she shouldn't have invited him to sleep in the same bed as her last night. Regardless, she couldn't change that now.


"Yes, dear?"

"When this is over and I'm stuck spending the rest of my life on the run, are you going to be there with me? Because, no offense, but I do better on my own."

"That's up to you. If you don't want me there, I won't be."

"I don't," she said with a blank stare.

Carr laughed a little. "But as I recall, I'm not as bad as everyone thinks," he said, smirking a bit.

Elizabeth took a deep breath to clear her thoughts. She stood and walked over to him. With her heels on, she towered over him as he leaned against the end of the bed. "Listen very closely, Carr. Anything I said last night, forget I ever said it. I was in a weird head space last night."

"Didn't seem that way when you were caressing my cheek," he continued.

"Would you rather me slap it? I can do that now if you want."

Carr turned his head to the side, a smirk plastered on his face. Elizabeth groaned and strutted away, causing Carr to let out a small chuckle. Truthfully, Elizabeth actually meant what she said to Carr the night before. She had a soft spot in her heart for the big, bad Carr and nothing she did would cure that. She didn't know at the time and wouldn't until much later, but this was only the beginning of her stockholm syndrome. Elizabeth was becoming infatuated with Carr, whether her brain liked it or not, her heart was in control.

Hidden Darkness [FG Sequel] [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now