1: Elizabeth Gray

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*5 Months Later*


Derek turned around, looking for the figure that called out for him but nobody was there. He continued on doing what he was doing until it happened again.


This time it was louder and more meaningful.

"Who's there?" he called back, hoping for an answer but nothing came.

He went back to what he was doing and tried to block it out of his mind.

"Hey, Derek," a voice said before Derek cut them off.

"What do you want!?"

"Geez, calm down!" he turned to see Scott standing by the now open door. "Oh, it's you. Sorry, I just thought you were.... never mind. What do you need?"

Scott made his way over to Derek, who was clearly losing it. "I had to get away from everyone. Creepy twin Visionary follows my friends around like a hawk."

Derek laughed, "yeah, Daier said he would be sticking around for a while, just in case anything happened. Elijah can be a bit, intrusive."

"No kidding." Scott moved to the couch, propping his feet on the table. "So, how've you been?"

"Fine? It's not a big deal."

"It kind of is, Derek. You need to talk about it eventually."

"I don't need to talk about anything, Scott!"

Derek stormed out of the loft, wandering out into the parking lot. He turned into wolf form, letting out a howl before escaping into the woods. He brought himself to what used to be his home. Turning human, he entered the broken settlement. The last time he was here, or from what he remembered, it was with her. It was with Elizabeth.

Scott was right, he needed to talk to someone about it but who was there to talk to? Everyone practically feared Derek. How could he go and tell them that his girlfriend was a powerful creature type thing that just died because her own father who she barely knew killed her? Nobody just tells someone that on the streets.

He sat on the second to last step, hoping an answer would come to him.


He looked up, hearing that familiar voice. Nobody was there.

He cupped his hands, placing his head in them, hoping it would all just go away, but it didn't.

"Help me, Derek!"

That was a new one. This person was calling out for help but how could he help? He couldn't see them.

"Hello?" he called out.

"Won't you help me?"

He stood up, wandering around the beaten down house, looking for some form of an answer.

"I need you to help me!"

"I don't know how!" he finally shouted back.

He kept searching for someone, but just like in the loft, there was nobody there.

"Derek, they're going to kill me!"

"What can I do?"

Derek was never one to leave someone defenseless, unless he knew they had wronged someone.

"Say it!"


The voice was quiet for a while. It didn't come back. He wanted to help but what was there to do?

Hidden Darkness [FG Sequel] [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now