Ch. 4

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Coral continued to softly coo at him while staying pressed against him. Lagoon made sure they laid close to the wall, in a corner where people in the stadium couldn't see them nor people in the viewing window. Coral calmed him slowly and gently as he talked to her through grumbles. She started to relax as well, calmed by his presence and the security he provided. She continued to softly talk to him. Lagoon let her feel more protected by switching spots, making her get closer to the wall and so he was on the outside. She nuzzles him happily, glad he was so protective.

Lagoon never was a normal mosa. He saw how lonely his mother was when he was born and how happy she was to give birth to him and have him around for company. He finally saw how he came from by watching a breeding with two of his kind. He saw the male leave her in the dust after he was through with her and she had to carry on whatever she was doing while holding a burden in her stomach alone until she gave birth. He didn't want to be like that and he wanted to have a heart and help raise the young. The experience made him more intelligent on communication and feelings.

Coral rested her head against him contently and he rested his front flipper on her back. It definitely feels nice to feel love and to be loved. Something that other mosas don't have.

Coral let out a pleased rumble and Lagoon closed his eyes and thought about the ocean again. It was finally quiet besides the soft ramblings of the people in the viewing window trying to look for them. They stayed out of sight the best they can and tried their best to use the blue water for camouflage. Coral had better luck with that as she was a more murky light blue compared to Lagoon's darker colors.

It wasn't long until they heard the beep of the habitat gate start to open. Lagoon sneered his eyes as he looked up waiting for someone to just peek over the shallow edge of the pool; but to no avail as he couldn't hear much from the deep end. He needed air so he decided to swim up to breathe and take a scout. It was a scrawny man with reading glasses and a notebook. But a little man can do a lot and the most he would do is spill his coffee in their fish meat somehow. Though all he really did was look over a bucket of chin and shake his head.

"This is just shark bait I tell ya. You're going to feed them this?" Kenny asked the trainer who only shrugged at him.

"Fifteen buckets. That's what the boss said. Says they'll scoop it up from the water like whales. Good protein," she restates Manuel's words.

Kenny watches as she took it to the edge of the pool and dumped it in. It spilled like a pile of guts, blood staining the blue water. Lagoon heard the clank of the bucket and the splash of the chum. He looked up and saw a massive chunk of meat sink onto the top of his head. He shook it off watching the bits scatter. Coral ducked herself into the corner more, rather disgusted just by looking at it. Lagoon, hungry enough, took the big chunk and chewed it. It tasted sour to him, like it's been sitting in the sun for a few hours. He immediately spat it out as he did not trust it one bit. More buckets of chum began to splash into the water above them and with a growl they swam as a pair to the other side of the pool.

Kenny shook his head again, seeing as they clearly weren't interested, "what is even in that?"

"Sardines and whale blubber. That's all I know," the trainer says.

"Where the hell do you legally buy whale blubber?"

"No clue, the boss does a lot of sketchy crap. Cares more about the money than the animals here. Have you seen the allosaurus enclosure? It's like nobody cleaned it for months. Employees are lazy and stuck on one work zone for our entire lives. Manuel can't afford losing track of us and what we're doing the whole time," she looked around a bit nervous that she said all of that, "I should stop talking now," she walked over to him and took his pen. She wrote her number on his clipboard, "call me and talk to me tonight okay, rookie." She smiled before walking out the gates.

Kenny watched her leave still taking in all she said and processing why she gave him his number. He shrugged it off and put his glasses up on his head. He looked out to the water and saw Coral come up for some air. They made eye contact for a brief moment before she retreated back into the depths, "don't worry, I'll figure something out..."

[A brief apology for the lack of updates since a few years back! Hopefully I can get back to writing and finishing this story again!{

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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