Lesson 6

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To catch a Greek billionaire is in many ways no different from catching any man you fancy.

She said: What I mean is, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

He said: Says the girl who told me she loved me after I fed her a 300-gram steak.

(Note to editor: Please edit 300 to 150. Please. I mean it.)

"It's okay to admit you're hungry." For all intents and purposes, Damen shouldn't give a damn about whether the woman he was dating was on a diet or not. Most of the time, they were on a diet but wouldn't admit to it since in their twisted little brains, admitting to dieting was equivalent to admitting they were overweight.

But this was Mairi, and her stomach had growled repeatedly even after she finished her soup and salad in record time.

She shook her head, red-faced. This would teach her not to skip a meal before meeting with a man she very well knew was determined to take her to bed. She couldn't make herself meet Damen's gaze at the moment, instead letting her eyes roam around the elegant décor of the villa's dining room.

Damen told her he had rented it for the week, and in the same sentence he had also told her that he expected her to sleep there – in his bed – every night for the rest of his stay in Oneroi.


She winced.

Damen said gently, "Mairi---"

She forced herself to look at Damen, pasting a bright smile on her face. "I didn't hear anything." She peered up at the waiter, whom Damen had solemnly vowed to her knew how to keep his mouth shut. "Did you hear anything?"

The waiter, a man who looked to be in his late teens, tugged at his bowtie uneasily. "Err..."

Mairi looked at Damen with a triumphant smile. "See? He didn't hear anything either."

He shook his head. "Enough, darling. You will eat and you shall eat now. If you do not want to order for yourself then I shall order for you." He spoke to the waiter, giving the orders in a decisive tone.

When the waiter left them on their own, her shoulders slumped. "Sorry."

"There's nothing wrong about taking pleasure in food."

"It is when I'm eating more than you are," she told him seriously.

He barked out in laughter.

"Aren't you going to join me? Please?"


She frowned. "After what?"

"After I make love to you. I am usually ravenous after I have sex."

At his unexpected words, Mairi nearly dropped the glass of water she had lifted to her lips. "Oh."

The waiter came back half an hour later, and he looked a lot more relaxed when Mairi didn't make any further attempt to get him to choose between her and the famous and powerful Greek billionaire seated on the other side of the table.

Mairi's mouth started to water as the waiter set dish after dish of the most delicious creations in front of her. Oh, oh dear. It was food porn at its worst and she was in danger of salivating.

"Would it make it easier for you if I leave you to your meal and do a little work?"

She totally had no pride left by the time the waiter lifted the silver tray with a flourish and revealed a huge slab of steak, its wonderful scent making her swallow several times. Looking up at Damen, she said baldly, "It would be a huge help."

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