Lesson 4

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To catch a Greek billionaire you must get to know him first.

She said: Find out who he really is – learn who the man is behind the billion-dollar image.

He said: What a beautiful liar you are, matakia mou. You are only ashamed to admit the truth.

She said: I am NOT a liar!

He said: Fine then, my love. You are whitewashing it. You got to know me by using an autograph book.

Goddamn asshole was stealing his woman right under his nose.

While Mairi had been locked away in the washroom, Damen had moved swiftly, issuing instructions left and right to clear his schedule for the remainder of the week. It had been a very long time since he had wanted a woman this much and he was not letting another moment go to waste. The sooner he had Mairi in his bed the better and if he had his way, Damen would not let her leave it until the end of the week.

And yet when Damen strode back into the conference room, it was to see Mairi flirting with Ioniko Vlahos.

Years of rigidly controlling his emotions allowed Damen to maintain an implacable expression on his face even though he was violently inclined to thrash the other man to an inch of his life.

One...two...three...how many fucking minutes did they need to talk about a girl's grades in English? Damen's blood boiled at the thought that maybe, just fucking maybe the two were no longer talking about the girl's grades.

And to think she had fucking said she loved him.

The memory made Damen clench his fists. He wanted to laugh at himself, at his fucking stupidity for thinking that there was a girl in this age who was still innocent and without any designs on his fortune. He was a billionaire. Of course women would do everything – pretend to be anything – to snare his interest.

Even though he had told himself he would not look anymore, Damen couldn't help it, his gaze straying to Mairi once again.


They were fucking holding hands now – in a school that was supposed to fucking discourage fraternizing between faculty and patrons. What the hell did that mean? Was she ready to throw away her career and settle for being Ioniko Vlahos' mistress?


Damen strode to his sister, anger stamped on his features. Diana looked at him worriedly when he reached her side. "I have to go, sweetheart."

"Damen..." Diana stopped, realizing how hard it was to say what she wanted to say. She knew her brother very well, enough to see what the others didn't see. Ms. Yay, for better or for worse, had captured his interest.

And more often than not, it meant heartbreak for the women who did.

Damen made an effort to smile at his sister. "What is it?"

She sighed. "I know you like her, Damen."

He stiffened.

"If you're not going to treat her right, then can you please just forget about her?"

His smile became cold. "Do not worry about her, Diana. I have a feeling that your sweet little Ms. Yay is a lot tougher than you think." And a much better actress than they gave her credit for.


Mairi barely had time to breathe when she received a request to go to the headmistress' office. Hurriedly sliding her feet into her bedroom slippers, she walked as quickly as she could to get to the other building. It was already a quarter past eleven in the evening, with the faculty dinner lasting a lot longer than she had anticipated.

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