"A science teacher? How come you suck so much at science then?" Konoha laughed.

"Well..." She sheepishly rubbed the back of her warm neck, "I tried, I really did! But it just never got through to me."

"And biology did?" Yukie giggled and sat back up, poking her friend in the abdomen. "You're a daddy's girl, aren't you?" She teased.

Shiori opened her mouth to protest, but closed it when she knew that she probably couldn't fight it. She did love her dad to bits and pieces (she loved her mum equally, of course), and his occupation was so much more interesting than boring science. Except, there was science (and math, ew) in her dad's field of work, but she wanted to completely deny it.

She got up, looking to the others, finding that their eyes were already on her. "We should start studying at least a little bit before you go home."

"Can't we have dinner first..." Bokuto whined, his stomach growling.

"Kou, you had onigiri just then. Save your stomach. I'll be making some stir fried udon later." Shiori went to her room to fetch her notebooks and some textbooks to work on.

"Udon?! YEAH!" The ace pumped his arms up into the air.

As the ace hummed a happy tune, they all brought out their study materials to begin.

Shiori came back out and plopped her books onto the end of the table. She headed to the kitchen and took her share of the onigiri, only to find that she only had 1 left.

"Yukie, you took my onigiri didn't you?" She bit into the rice as she stared at the manager, who nearly jumped from her seat.

Shirofuku smiled and turned around, rubbing the back of her head, laughing nervously, "You caught me..."

Shiori placed the empty plate into the sink, "You and your black hole of a stomach. What are you, Kirby?" She chuckled and headed over to them, eating the onigiri quickly before pinching Yukie's cheeks and pulling. "Punishment!"

"Ow..." Yukie rubbed her cheeks with a cute pout. "So mean."

"I'm not the one who stole someone else's onigiri." Shiori sang, taking her seat adjacent of Bokuto and Konoha. Yukie was seated on the other side of Konoha and Akaashi the other of Bokuto.

Akaashi flipped through his worksheets and got the one that wasn't due until the next day, the one he had been working on before. He took it out and handed it to Shiori, "Shiori-san, can you check this, please?"

"Yeah sure." She took it and looked through it, getting a red pencil and twirling it between her fingers. She corrected a couple of things, but otherwise, it was fine. She handed it back, "You're getting better."

"That's only because of your help." The setter took the sheet and gave her another one, "I have a few worksheets that I did, so please check them all."

"Oh..." She nodded at his impressive work ethic. "Alright, just hand them all over."

Wow...Yukie, Bokuto and Konoha thought.

"Anything else?" Shiori spoke in English this time, her voice teasing.

"No, that is all." The setter replied in English.

"Oh! Your pronunciation is getting better too. You been watching anything to help?"

"Only a few things."

"I'm surprised you know this much already. Even Yukie can't hold a decent conversation like this with me."

"If she hears you say that she will get mad..."

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