"Oh, well duh! I've already planned out what bed sheets we're gonna have sex on. The red ones really speak to me... very symbolic, you know."

"Symbolic of what exactly?"

"My virgin rebirth."

"Lucas... sometimes I believe that talking to you kills my brain cells. So on that note, I'm gonna go eat breakfast and I'll text you later?"

He chuckled. "Okay! Tell me all about your little time capsule adventure. Bye!"

"I will. Bye." I smiled and hung up, tossing my phone onto a pillow and sighing heavily.


"I still can't believe my parents softened up to you so quickly," I said to David, moving Mom's tiger lilies aside as we dug through the thick, rich soil. We'd decided to wait until the afternoon to start digging, and thankfully, my mother had protected her plants from the snow's harm. "I shouldn't be surprised; you're lovable."

He chuckled. "They got more than f-five syllables..."

A smile spread itself wide across my face as I gazed at him in surprise. "David, that's amazing. That's really good!"

"It's progress," he agreed.

"Yeah." I kissed his cheek, a familiar happiness settling in my heart. I usually got that feeling whenever he achieved a goal with his speech. It meant we were another step closer toward a normal, lengthy conversation again, without the stumbles and stutters. "Maybe you can read a few of the poems I wrote. Your therapist said reading out loud helps the most."

He simply nodded and I used the miniature shovel to dig further down. "I'm glad we're doing this. I want you to know that no matter what happens... I do love you," I promised.

His eyebrows furrowed, suspecting a hidden meaning in my words. "You okay?"

"Yeah! I just thought you should know--" I stopped when I felt something solid underneath the shovel. Looking into the hole I'd dug, I continued to move more soil out the way until I could see the thick wooden box. "There it is!" I exclaimed, grabbing it and pulling it out of the ground. I examined the box, laughing to myself. "Never thought I'd see you again." I brushed off some of the dirt before putting it aside on the grass.

David picked it up to look at it as I started to fill the hole with soil and replant the tiger lilies. He smiled, putting the box down then helping me with the flowers.

"You know something totally cliche that we could do?" I said.

"What?" he seemed intrigued.

"Sit by the fireplace and drink hot chocolate with marshmallows. Cuddle under blankets, kiss, and make my dad uncomfortable."

He smirked deviously and I matched his mischief, my eyes lighting up at the thought of spending time with my boyfriend and spiting my parents at the same time. They may have claimed they were okay with us but everyone got uncomfortable when they were on the opposite end of some hardcore PDA.

"Can't wait," he responded.


Before I could get the chance to open the box with David, my mother asked to speak with me alone. I had a feeling that I knew where this was going, so I decided just to get it over with. She sat me down and even took my hand, and I bit my lip. Okay, Mom, just spit it out.

"I'm sorry."

"Okay. Can I go now?"

"Now hold on a minute. I definitely wasn't done. I know I've hurt everyone in this family, and... I'm ashamed. I promise, your dad and I are working through it. We don't want you or Dawson to think we're splitting up; we're not." She sighed. "Listen, about you and David, it means a lot to us that you're carefree and socializing. He told us you have friends and that's all your dad and I ever wanted for you, especially since your falling accident."

Campus Love (sequel) MalexmaleWhere stories live. Discover now