Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Flynn, it's about time to get up. Your father and I are taking a little break from parenting, wake up your sisters!" My mother's voice called from across the hall, probably into my older brother's room. I heard his signature grunt. Hiding underneath my covers, I held in a giggle as I heard keys jingle and the front door shut.

"Amy, Vivian, get up, you lazy butts!" My brother yelled, flickering the lights on and off in our room.

"Flynn... Let us sleep!" I heard my twin sister Amanda groan. Flynn hit the door, probably attempting to wake us up.

"Okay, okay, Flynn, we're getting up! Geez!" I called from under my covers.

Let me guess. You think our parents are irresponsible morons and our brother is a typical moody and aggressive teenaged boy. Think again! Well, sort of. Our parents are kinda irresponsible. See, Flynn's only fifteen. He's not exactly able to focus on taking care of his thirteen-year old sisters. Anyway, enough about that! Let's talk about who we are!

My name is Vivian Amanda Bonfield and my sister is Amanda Vivian Bonfield. Yeah, we're twins. How cliché is that? Yea. I know. Anyway, my brother is Flynn Oakley Bonfield. Our parents are Alma Garcia-Bonfield and Alby Bonfield.

See, Amy and I take after our mom. We have the same dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Our brother took after our father with his dark red hair, blue eyes, and extremely pale skin.

Here's another cliché. My brother, the one who looks like he'd be the main character of an anime, has powers. What kind of powers, you ask? Fire and darkness. Again, a cliché in the form of magic. Oh, you wonder if Amy and I are jealous? Heck to the no! Flynn can barely control his powers, that's why we're homeschooled and almost NEVER let out of the house! Once, Flynn set fire to the kitchen when he tried to cook, and he caused a blackout in the whole CITY in the middle of the day! That's when mom and dad decided to put him under house arrest.

Anyway, let's get back to the story, but before we do, you're thinking the title of the book is a bit odd, correct? You think this is a comedy. Don't worry. We'll rip your heart out soon enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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