Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

"I know that's why from now on no more secrets between us, I promise."

"Okay then who was the girl with pink streaks, is she in the same boat as you?" Betty asked , subtly bringing up the issue of a possible affair.

"Her names Toni, she's just joined like me that's why we were sent together, she seems nice. But not my type..." He smiled. Betty relaxed, the muscles in her stomach loosening

"How long have you known about the.. um" 

"Secret serpent gig? Since the other day, I came to see you... I saw you being whisked away by a vintage bike, glossy hair and all.. a real Danny Zuko." She joked, attempting to crack herself a smile but failed.

"How did you know to come to the drive in?" He asked, smiling at her remark.

"If we are being honest from now on , there is something I need to tell you..." He stared at her inventively awaiting an explanation.

"I've been getting these notes... telling me that my missing sibling is in town and about how much they want to meet me but its not safe. They also told me to go to the drive in , they knew you were a serpent and thought I "deserved to know". I think it could be my brother or sister, Jug" Betty explained hopefully.

"Or some crazed stalker. Why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked placing his hand on hers. She flinched at first but relaxed into it.

"I had just found out you were a serpent. I Didn't know what to say."

"You can always talk to me, no matter what." He squeezed her hand slightly.

"Just tell me next time. Before you go escapading on secret missions, I will come with you." He added. She rested her head on his shoulder, the cold leather soothing her burning face.

He place his strong hand on her knee, she lifted her head towards him. Their eyes piercing into one another. The internal distance between them ceased, as he pulled her in his hand firm around the back of her head. Her hand on his thigh, soon to be moved as she straddled his body, the kiss becoming more passionate. She pushed of the prominent black , leather jacket. He threw it to the ground. He fell back onto the bed, her body following. He rolled her over, her tight ponytail had fallen into loose curls. The taste of him became addictive, her mouth needing it ever more. She began on the buttons of her blouse, his hands stroking her hair.

She moved back into the kiss , things quickly escalating, their bodies intertwining. 

Unlucky for them, the quiet baby in the nursery erupted out a wail. Both Betty and Jughead stifled a laugh, a baby came between their moment. 

Betty rushed to the crib, soothing the unhappy baby. Jughead appeared behind her, wrapping his hands around her.

"Hey Evelyn, I missed you." He cooed at the baby , her eyes slowly dropping.

"She clearly missed you too." Betty joked as she layed the baby back in her crib.

He pulled her back in, moving back to the bed. Finishing what they started.

The following day, word spread around town fast. The one and only Cheryl Blossom was to return within days. Her anticipation had just been filed from her aunt whom she's being staying with. Only to return to what was left of the house on haunted hill. The small converted barn by the cemetery, Cheryl's new home until her insurance and inheritance kicks in when she turns eighteen.

The new sparked a possible idea for the two junior slooths. A possible chance to look further into the death of Hal and Penelope whilst also giving them chance to question her as to who took the family car and why.

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