Chapter 19:The Silence Lullaby; Saturn's True Reawakening

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"When are we going to start this meeting? I have homework."

"We're waiting for Seishirou and Subaru and I guess those two kids."

"I want to know why they're so late...I hope nothing happened to them..."

Everyone looked at Arashi as she made this comment before Kotori made a face. "I have an idea where they could be."

"Ohohoho do you think they would do such a thing with the kids around?"

"Knowing bigger brother? Yes he would."


"That youma was strange...but we need to get to the meeting. I think it's best if we stay in senshi form, we can travel faster that way since all the streets are blocked. We'll just jump from building to building. Not saying we couldn't do that in civilian form but people may question it."

"What about my car?"

"Sei—Saturn move it in the store parking lot for now, we'll come back for it later. Come on Chibi Moon and Chibi Earth, if you want to be a part of this meeting you need to keep up."

The four of them jumped from building to building before finally arriving above the arcade. "Great they put the dumpster in front of our entrance, only one way to get in now. Chibi Moon and Chibi Earth hold onto us tight."

Purple tinted amber met orange tinted emerald. "You're not serious."

"Hold onto me Saturn."

"Just what I always wanted, to be a senshi wrecking ball."

"Venus love-me chain!" The golden chain linked to a nearby tree and after taking a breath, both teenagers—each with a small child holding onto them—jumped, swinging through their hideout's open window.


"Sorata, relax it's only me." Subaru was the first to stand up and with a soft clap of his hands appeared there in his school uniform. "The dumpster was blocking our way in."

Two more soft claps and there stood the young twins. "Can we start this meeting now? Our guardian will want us home." It was Ember as usual that spoke, her brother stood quietly behind her nodding.

Kamui was about to open his mouth from looking over his math book but it was Fuuma who spoke first. "Where are your parents?"

"In London on business, we're well taken care of. Now meeting?"

"Hold on small fry, the fact of the matter is all of you are late. For you two it's fitting you didn't know where the hideout was. For Sumeragi it's rare he's late to meetings. Even for Sakurazuka it's rare despite how much he skips gym."

The light clank of metal being placed against the concrete wall was heard. "If you give us a minute we would explain why we were so late...I skip gym because it's pointless. I wouldn't skip a meeting even if it meant one on one time with Subaru-kun." A soft clap and he too was in civilian clothes and the glaive had disappeared. He took his school blazer off and tied it around his waist. "Now then...we fought a youma."

All eyes turned to Subaru. Seishirou was a very good liar and had weaved tales before to get out of doing things; namely gym class. Subaru however had a hard enough time keeping he was a Sailor Senshi from his grandmother.

"It's true we did; and the four of us couldn't do a thing to it. That's where things get interesting...there appears to be three new Sailor Senshi."

"That is strange. There are of course more Senshi out there in other galaxies but we have the full team of Senshi right here in front of us."

"More importantly, I don't seem to have my full power of destruction. So Kurogane, Fai-san, and Kotori-chan, want to fix that?"




"Subaru-san...he's right. We don't know if these new senshi are here to help us or not; we're going to need him at his full power."

Fists clenched. Subaru knew as Sailor Senshi sacrifices had to be made for the greater good, but still. "Let's get this over with."

Four transformations later and Subaru watched the three talismans form the holy triangle with his boyfriend in the middle of it. The haunting lullaby filled everyone's ears and the room lit up in the purple light. Everything had stopped when Soel and Larg looked up from the computer screen.

"There's a youma in town, all of you get down there!"

The remaining Senshi transformed and as they left the headquarters Subaru's mind raced. Would they see the new Senshi again? He ran in perfect sync with Seishirou as the norm. Orange tinted emerald eyes met purple tinted amber and Subaru got a soft smile. The hand that wasn't carrying the silence glaive reached over to hold Subaru's. The weight in Subaru's chest eased.for now.

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