Training In Hell - Part 1

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Sorry for the long wait! I'm getting part 2 ready so it should be out soon too! :)


                                                   CHAPTER 9

“Wait. What?” I had only thought about killing Drake, the thought of killing others never occurred to me. Could I murder others in cold blood?

Yes, I realized with a growing surprise and horror, I would if someone stood in my way. I know the thought should make recoil, the human part of me should have, but I didn’t. And that perturbed me more than anything else.

I was becoming more and more blood thirsty, becoming more like the monster I was trying to kill. But when it came down to it, could I actually do it?

That was the problem with big questions, there never really is a right answer.

Sasha let out a booming laugh. I was getting more and more disturbed by the obviously insane vampire in front of me. Those are two words that you do not want to put together. Ever.

I still felt the urge to inch back and run away from the room, but I steadily stood my ground instead. Running away wouldn’t solve anything, I needed to stay and fight.

“Did you think that your hands would be clean, petite fille? Let me assure you, your hands will be stained with the blood of hundreds before the end of this. We are monsters, killing is in our nature. Any grievance you may have is a weakness that will get you killed in a battle.” Her eyes were hard and slightly brighter than before, but her voice was cool.

I knew that I shouldn’t take this advice lightly.This is not a place where human sentiments of peace will be welcome, so I shut my mouth and took the words to heart.

I met her eyes squarely, smiled and said, “Lead the way.” I stepped aside and gestured to the door.

She smiled and her eyes dimming a bit; I thought that glowing-eyes-thing only happened at ‘feeding’ times, but I guess it’s an indicator of when they are antagonized or about to fight.

Note to self: when their eyes start to glow, get ready to go.

“So impatient.”She said softly, “That may get you killed just as quickly.” she turned to one of her twin guards- the one who yelled at me- and said “Alec, take her around to meet the others. It should be quite interesting.”

Her eyes slid back to mine, “Relax, socialize, explore- whatever you please.” She looked at the two men, then at me, “You will be fighting tonight. I suggest you take your pleasure while you can.” Her smile was positively feline as she strutted back to her chaise, dismissing us. Alec simply nodded with no expression.

Both Nash and Gabe bowed to her and turned to leave, each holding one of my arms in a tight grip, and practically manhandling me. I did not appreciate being dragged out of the room and was about to give them a piece of my mind once we were out of the room. But as I opened my mouth to rebuke them, I was effectively cut off when both of them yelled, “Are you out of your mind?”

 “What in blazes were you doing in there?” Gabe shouted.

“Why the hell did you provoke her? She’s fucking crazy!” Nash yelled. That one surprised me; I hadn’t heard him swear before.

Their rant went on for a while and I just stood there and let them vent. By the time they were finished, both were breathing heavily. I simply raised an eyebrow and calmly said, “Are you done?”

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