Chapter One

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"Zeraaaaa!!!!!" Saphie, the child of the hotel owners, screamed obnoxiously. She had stuck with Zera during her stay for some unknown reason. This had grown to be very annoying and it greatly hindered Zera's ability to do things in private. 

Currently, Saphie was sitting on Zera's bed as she took a shower and occasionally screamed Zera's name, which was starting to really piss her off.

Zera slammed opened the bathroom door and it crashed into the wall, leaving a large hole where the doorknob was. She stepped out into her cold room and clouds of steam billowed out of the bathroom as behind her, sending waves of warmth in Saphie's direction.

"Stop yelling so early in the morning and get out of my room," Zera replied emotionlessly as she gritted her teeth. She tied up her hair into a bun and packed the remainder of her belongings away.

"But Z!" Saphie whined in protest.

"Today is my last day here so I am going to be leaving now. Thank you for letting me stay," Zera replied, ignoring Saphie's whines.

"But it's barely 5 in the morning, and nobody's even awake other than me and you right now!" Saphie whined once again.

"I don't care. I'm leaving now. I have things to do." Zera replied shortly. She picked up her luggage, which consisted of only a duffle bag filled with the basic necessities, and opened the door to her room.

Seraphina pouted as she watched Zera leave the hotel room and crossed her arms. "Hmph! And to think that I was looking forward to torturing her. Too bad she didn't fall for the act like the others."

Zera quickly dashed away from the hotel until she was hundred percent sure no one was following her or watching her. She looked around at her surroundings before sitting on the ground and pulling a small metal rod the size of a pencil from out of her bag.  

"Hey hey hey! Look at what we've got here boys," A man exclaimed, emerging from the shadows in the alley. Three more men also emerged behind him. She stood up while still keeping her hold on the rod. They all wore smirks on their faces as they assessed Zera up and down, their eyes mostly wandering on her assets.

"Eyes up here buddies," Zera stated as she pointed at her eyes. She clenched the rod in her hand and glared.

"But we'd much rather look at your body. If you come with us, we'll show you a good time" the male who seemed to be the leader of the group said before laughing and nudging his group.

"Fuck off," Zera told them angrily.

"No thanks. We'd much rather be fucking you," one of the groupies told her, his eyes filled with lust. All of the other men nodded in agreement before surrounding her.

"I don't really care," the rod in Zera's hand slowly began to extend till it was taller than Zera's 5 foot 6 frame, " but you're going to die very, very soon," she stated her voice going from cold to cruel and devious.

"As if that would-" the leader started to say before he was cut off by the sound of the rod completing its reshaping process. The sound was almost indescribable. It was as if millions of souls were being tortured and all of their screams of agony were made into one. 

The rod's true form was both demonic and majestic. It was now a large black scythe with the letter "Z" carved in cursive. It shone even in the darkness of the alley. The scythe was pretty normal looking, plain even, but it was the aura that it gave off that made the men cower in fear. The aura that it gave off was murderous, but it was also elegant in a weird way.

The men shivered in fear and tried to anticipate what the girl in front of them would do.

Zera lunged for the men and swung the scythe with the strong intent to kill. 


Zera wiped some of the blood off of her face before sighing. Now she'd have to go buy another outfit. She emerged from the alley before making her way to a cheap clothing shop across the street.

"Just another day in hell," Zera huffed grumpily as she made her way through hell, literally.*


*Sigh* Here we go. Hey guys! Welcome to my book! I appreciate votes and comments cause comments are fun and votes are... um... beneficial for me? Yeah, I just wanna be famous *cough**cough* I'll never be famous*cough**cough* So hope you'll enjoy this book. Point out my mistakes cause that's fuuunnnn. I don't have any "rules" like other authors. Just... don't copy my book cause my pet egg Sally will be very depressed. Oh, and I really like it when people tell me their theories about how my story'll turn out. (Not that it's ever happened and people are even reading this, but meh) Baiiiiiii


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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