"yo, hyung!" a loud bang from the door ruined the silence, cause them to look at that direction. and of course, it was the one and only, zhong chenle.

"what?" mark asked tiredly, "nothing really hyung, i just want to say good morning to you."

"well my morning was good until you busted into my room and ruined it." he said to chenle, which made chenle pouted. haechan, on the hand, was forcing his laugh to the younger. "come on hyung, i barely have this mood." chenle complained, which made mark smile.

"anyway, do you have plans today? it's saturday anyway." chenle said as he walk and sitted beside mark on his bed, then suddenly lied down.

"winwin kinda asked me out—"

"omaygad, winwin?!" chenle overreacted, he immediately woke up and sat on the bed again, causing mark to blush and embarrassed himself to the younger sitting next to him. "i-it's not like tha-"

"taeil hyung must know all about this!" chenle hurriedly stand and was about to run but then mark grabbed his wrist. "no, don't!"

"what? why?"

"we're not a thing. . .in case you have thought about that."

it was then an awkward silence, for the two, three, of them insde the room. but out of the sudden, chenle burst his laughter, which made mark confused and raised an eyebrow. "the fuck are you laughing at?"

"oh nothing, just the fact that you became on of us is. . .overwhelming ." chenle crossed his arms as he raised an eyebrow to mark as well.

"what do you mean one of you guys?"

chenle facepalmed, he swear to mark's ass why is he dealing with this hyung and how did they even met. "i mean you're damn gay as well, hyung. urgh, you're so damn slow." chenle rolled his eyes.

"i never said that i'm gay!"

"sure hyung, whatever you say." chenle teased, making mark his poker and serious face.

"just get the fuck out." mark said as he pointed to the door, chenle showed his tongue at mark before leaving and closing mark's room. just then his cellphone was suddenly vibrating.

it was winwin, so he immediately answered.


"oh i'm sorry, did i disturb you?"

"n-no, not at all." as mark kept on talking to his phone with winwin, he couldn't help but to stare at haechan's eyes as well. the genie did the same, but with different emotions.

"oh you sure, i'm just really checking up on you as well. you we're replying to my messages."

"y-yeah, about that. i'm sorry."

"n-no, it's okay. i was just worried, you know."

"y-yeah." mark was still staring at haechan, until it came to the point that haechan looked like he gave up at their staring contest and started to turn around and looked through the window.

"u-uh, a-about that. so, is it a yes?"

mark suddenly became nervous, yet he still manage to smile, haechan was still eavesdropping, he turned around to see mark smiling at him. but he knew it was not meant for him, so he looked back at the window yet again.

"um, sure."

as haechan heard that, he couldn't help but to put his hand on his chest. he knew he was broken, he knew that mark would offer winwin's treat. and he couldn't do anything about it, he took a deep breath. before facing mark yet again.

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