Height: 6" 0'

Appearance: Gemini is a bit on the skinnier side compared to Zodiacs such as Sagittarius or Aries but he still is quite muscular. He has ghostly pale skin and big curious eyes, usually wide awake. Gemini also has a slightly larger nose than most that points the tiniest bit downwards and sharp features that could charm any guy or gal.

Personality: Gemini is very smart, taking advanced college classes. He's a huge flirt, loving the attention that he gets from them. Gemini likes change and can't be with a girl for too long or have a long term relationship because he wants to play the field. Through all that though he really is sweet and caring towards friends.

Crush/ BF/ GF: Gemini is currently dating some school girl named Caitlyn nothing serious though.

Sports: Plays soccer.

Other: Gemini has a lizard named Flame. He is currently secretly scared of rejection from someone he loves. BUT WHO??!!?!

Power: Control of air only if he isn't tired or weak

Control: Not very good But not poor

Cancer Moon or The Quiet Crab

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hair: Golden Honey brown curls that go down mid-back

Eyes: A pale blue color with the slightest hint of green in her eyes which always hold an emotion.

Height: 5"7'

Appearance: Big eyes that are either A. Crying, or B. Filled with so much emotion. Cancer has soft olive skin with a beauty mark to the corner of her left eye. Has plump lips along with long lengthy arms. Quite petite and small looking.

Personality: Cancer is stronger than many may think, she puts up with bullying from the other signs for not being "strong" and being too "emotional" . Cancer is very selective of her friends which is why she only has Aquarius and Scorpio, she doesn't mind. Cancer is also passionate about her opinions and firmly standing to her beliefs, has very low self-esteem.

Crush/ BF/ GF: Is not interested in anyone, she must get to know them first.

Sports: Believe it or not she does gymnastics with Scorpio. Level 6.

Other: Cancer is like a baby sister to Aquarius and Scorpio but knows that they would both tear each others throats out, well not like Scorpio would tear Aquarius throat out. She is into collecting sea shells, it soothes her.

Power: Control over water as long as she isn't weak.

Control: Extremely unstable

Leo Solar or The Fierce Lion:

Age: 17, almost 18

Gender: Male

Hair: Wild dark blonde almost brown hair with lighter natural highlights in them

Eyes: Fiery orange that look like they could burn you with just one look.

Height: 6" 2'

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