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Thomas' pov
I sighed as I was in James' room. He was a small guy with a red sweater, I won't lie I found him attractive but I only came to get a late night snack then leave.

I laid on the bed considering my choices..I could just leave the perfect snack alone and go find someone else to drink from or I could just do what I intended to do..

After a while I decided I would go through with it..I have to..its the only way I can survive!
I waited quite awhile just to make sure he was asleep.

Once I made sure he was asleep and I heard his soft snores I crept into the living room, where he lay on the couch sound asleep.
I would usually smile to myself when I did this to me victims but I didn't..James was to innocent and sweet..I just met him and he has already made me regret even the thought of drinking his blood...

I couldnt go through with it..I decided to go somewhere else and sneak back in the house after.

I sneaked out of the house and into the woods. I knew someone who would be awake because I was stalking them for the right time to kill them.

I knocked on the door and waited for them to come. They soon opened the door and looked at me, they had tired eyes and hair tied back. He looked like he had been asleep for hours.

" My name is Alexander Hamilton, what may you be here for?" He asked looking at me with his suspicions high.
"Um I'm Thomas Jefferson and I need a place to stay.."
He examined me before letting me in.
" My boyfriend is out of town but I'm sure he won't mind if you stay over"
He smirked slightly, I watched as he closed the door so I could make my attack.

That's when he pinned me down to the floor. I gave a quick gasp.
"W-what are you doing.." I asked trying to pretend that I was innocent.
He gave another smirk
"I think you know what I'm doing~"
I smiled at him and pinned him down. He flushed a deep red.
"Come on~" he started "Bite me~"
He was just asking for it! He made it to easy!
I then went to his neck and planted kisses on it, he was buying it.
I then quickly nibbled on him, he gave a soft moan in reply. That's when I attacked and bit him.
He moaned out both in pain and pleasure as I sucked out the blood.

He then started to squirm around, before he could say anything to refuse me I covered his mouth as I kept drinking his blood.
That's when he started to grow weak. He soon then stopped fighting back and he was drained of everything he had.

I wiped off all the blood around my mouth and went to go pick up his body and make it look like a suicide. He was extremely pale and the life was sucked right out of his eyes. I planted him in the bath tub and got a knife.
I cut his wrists and made it look like the blood went down the drain so he bled out.

I sighed and went out of the house and into the woods. I decided to grab two cups of coffee so James wouldn't figure out why I was outside if he was awake.

I came in though the front door so I wouldn't raise suspicion on me. It was now 7:56 when I came in, James was already up. He was feeding his cat which I didn't know he had..
He looked at me surprised. "I thought you left..."
"Oh..well I did. To get some coffee. Here I brought you some" I handed him the drink and he smiled at me.
"Thank you Thomas " he took a sip and sighed happily.

He was soon done and had thrown the plastic cup in the trash. I still had mine as I wasn't used to drinking coffee as much as I was with tea.

James soon sat down next to me on the couch. "I don't mean to be rude but when do you plan to leave? I'm sure your busy.." he looked off to the side, he did say he has no friends which probably ment that he was locked up in his house all the time..

"I don't have anything going on..I was hoping we could hang out" I gave a soft smile to reassure him.
The smaller male looked up at me and smiled back. My heart fluttered slightly but I shook it off.

"Where did you want to go?" He asked.
"How about to a fair? I could win you some stuffed animals"
James giggled at me, he was too cute to be with a monster like me..

"Okay! Let me just change into another sweater"
I gave him a quick nod before he ran off to his room. He came back with a grey sweater on and looked at me before he ran off somewhere else.
He soon returned with my leather jacket.
"Oh thanks hun" I said before putting it on and smiling at him.

James nodded "Your welcome" he replied back.
I'm surprised he let me call him hun three times...yeah that's right..I counted I shrugged it off and opened the door for him as he got his keys.

Once we left his house and locked the door he went into his car then waited until I got in.
When I got in and we had our seatbelts, which James insisted on so many times on..we finally left for the fair, I gave him the directions and he followed them obediently.

We made it to the fair and he immediately got excited. He parked the car and ran outside happily. I got out and tried to settle him down. "Calm down its just the fair"
"I know..its just I rarely even get to go outside! It's a miracle that I met you" he said not realizing how much it meant to me..

I always thought I was a monster for being what I was and doing what I did..but no...James saw me as a miracle..I gave him the chance to go outside and see the fair. It's all thanks to me..

Idk dude I'm just tryin my best to make this AU a fanfic

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