15:Mirror Owls

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*Keith's POV*

I tasted blood in my mouth as I bit my lip, staring up at Echo worriedly. Her face looked so beautiful, lips slightly parted as she slept. Her face was tilted to the side, showing the scar from her first time with the Galra. I sighed and looked down before a gentle hand rested on my shoulder.

I looked up in surprise to find Shiro. "Shiro, I didn't hear you come in." I said and the black paladin sat down beside me. "How is she?" Shiro asked and I shrugged. "Keith." Shiro persisted after I didn't respond and I looked up at him. "I just want her to be okay." I said. "That's what we all want." Shiro responded and looked up at Echo, her eyebrows drawing together in a frown.

"Must be dreaming." I thought out loud. "Must be." Shiro said.

*Echo's POV*

It was a war zone.

Buildings burned. Children screamed. Stars fell.

I was frozen. Watching it all unravel before me. I couldn't do anything but look on. "You're a monster." I whispered and Zarkon's laugh echoed in my head.

"No, you're the monster." He sneered.

I groaned as my mind awakened, opening my eyes to see an unfamiliar person asleep on the floor in front of the cyro-pod I was just in. Confused I looked around and widened my eyes. I stepped out of the cyro-pod and reached for a dagger but found I was empty handed. Thinking quickly I snuck out of the room and down a blue lit hallway.

I looked down at my clothing and frowned. Why was I wearing this? What was I doing here? Who was I? I heard footsteps and ducked behind a corner just as the boy from the cyro-pod room ran past, a wild look in his eyes. He must've realized I was gone.

I bit my lip and considered my options. I was stuck on a ship no doubt, with a young person, in space. Stranded. I decided that the wisest choice was to escape immediately. I was lost with no sense of direction or time. I grew my ears and tail before I looked around and wandered silently until I found a docking bay with escape pods. Running forward I was so close but a voice stopped me.

"Echo! What are you doing up?" I looked around and saw a small person sitting cross legged on the ground, a computer in their lap. "Who's Echo?" I asked before stepping closer to my escape, not knowing if the small one was dangerous, my tail lashing back and forth. "You. You're Echo. Are you feeling okay? I thought the cyro-pod would-" I tuned out the rambling and climbed inside the small getaway ship.

"Pidge! That's not Echo!" A voice yelled from the doorway and with incredibly fast reflexes 'Pidge' shot a green grappling hook thing at the escape pod. Fortunately for me, I had already lifted off the ground. Next to the hangar doors, a button sat and I searched the inside of my ship for something to throw until I found a half eaten fruit of some sort.

Grabbing it, I threw it at the button and opened the blast doors. Letting myself smirk a bit, I zoomed away. I looked back and felt a small tugging in my gut but ignored it. As I turned back around to face forward a blue laser beam shot at me quickly followed by another. Frowning I tried to dodge the beams that were coming from the giant ship but wasn't successful and one hit my escape ship, sending it spiraling down to a brown and green planet. I frantically tried to stop it or something but the spinning made me hit my head on the dashboard and I passed out.


I gained consciousness and opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and the only thing I could hear was a ringing in my ears. I stumbled out of the crash and silently thanked the alien gods. I squinted against the light on this planet and spotted shade, quickly making my way towards it. My head pounded and I felt a sticky substance on the side of my face.

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