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Tate P.O.V

"Pulling a another girl into your ocean of crazy?" said a voice.

I turn and look to see it's Violet, I sigh and shake my head move over to the power box.

"You're just gonna kill her," she says following me, "Maybe she'll end up like you, crazy."

"I thought you were friends," I say looking at the many switches.

"She is my friend, that's why I'm going to tell her. About this house. About Micheal. About you," she threatens.

I push her against the wall, my forearm across her throat, choking her, "You tell her anything I will make your existence hell."

"What are you gonna do?" she smirks, "Kill me?"

I push her and storm up the stairs. I stumble around in the darkness until I make it to Andy's room to see her and Micheal on the carpet surrounded by candles.

"Hey, uh, I tried the box. It didn't work so we'll just have to wait for the power," I tell the two.

Andy sighs and says,"What are we gonna do all day then?"

"We could play in the rain?" Micheal suggests.

Andy looks at me as if as for confirmation, I nod, "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

They look at each other and grin, Andy grins, "Well come on then." she takes Micheal's hand and heads to the stairs, she stop's and asks if I'm coming to. I smile and give her a kiss on the cheek, "You betcha." I laugh and throw Micheal over my shoulders and race outside.

3rd Person P.O.V

Three figures dance as rain pours down around and on them. They house behind them as they splash in puddles, what they don't know is the resident family in the house watches them.

Vivian Harmon sighs and watches from a window as Tate picks up Andromeda and spins her around. She looks upon Andromeda's smiling face and sees a twinkle in her eyes. Mrs. Harmon turns to her family and says, "It's too late."

"It can't be too late, all she needs to do is learn about the house and him," her husband, Ben, says.

"Mom's rights," their daughter Violet says, "She's not like me and won't ignore him. I was attracted to the darkness," she looks at the pair, "Those two together are the darkness."

"What do you mean?" her father asks.

"Andy, there's somethings in her," Violet explains, "The same glint in her eyes Tate has, that glint of crazy. All he has to do is give her a little push and she'll descend in the madness that is Tate. She's crazy and murderous and sadistic just like him. She just doesn't know it yet."

"She loves him," says a new voice that belongs to Nora, "She mumbles his name in her sleep. They're perfect for each other don't you think?"

"Perfect enough to raise that demon child," says Hayden, appearing out of the shadows.

"They're gonna raise the child their way, he'll share the same morals and perception of right and wrong," says the voice that belongs to Vivian, "Let's just hope she's not as bad as he is." She looks once more out the window and heads into her husbands old study with her family. Nora wanders off somewhere and Hayden heads to the basement for her nightly en devours with Travis, a fellow ghost. All while the residents of this cursed house wander around the halls, the same people that were the topic of their previous conversation enter said house, oblivious of the eyes on them and the words about them.

596 Words

A/N: There goes another chapter. I feel like it's been so long since I updated a chapter. I recently got a job and will hopefully be working a lot so I could earn a good living, so I'm not sure how well I'm going to be with updates. I know the are a little irregular my updates so I'm gonna try to make them to be at least once a week.

Also I have big news. We made it to triple digits! 113 reads! I'm so thankful for everyone that read this and continues to read this I'm so happy you no have no idea, my dream is to one day be a published author so thank you so much for reading this. I'm really grateful! I love you all so much!

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