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'My mother was driving, my dad in the passenger seat with me behind him. It was dark, we were on our way home from having a late dinner at the local diner. My parents had gotten into a fight, it was over the bill. They always got into fights, I didn't know why until my said something of my mother cheating on him. She became infuriated and yelled at him asking why he always brought it up. They kept yelling at each other, the words just blurred together I don't remember most of them, just some phrases like 'not yours' and 'I want a-'. We were coming upon the intersection, though my mother was to angry to notice. To angry over a stupid diner bill to notice the red light. A truck, and not some flimsy pick up truck, no a sixteen wheel truck bull dowsed right into us. We flipped, so many times I can't even remember, we landed upside down on the side of the road. The doctors told me my father died on impact, but my mother she surely suffered. I knew it without them telling me. Before the paramedics came I got a good look at both of my parents. The images of them laying there and how gruesome and horrific it look will always be scarred into my brain. The back of the car caught fire and I passed out. When I came to I was in the hospital and an orphan. I was in the hospital for two weeks, during that time my aunt Emmiline, my mother's sister, got custody of me. Em was only twenty-four when I was dropped on her, just starting her own life. My parents left me some money I gave it to Em so she could buy us a house, I couldn't live in my childhood home without my parents the memories were to overwhelming.'

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