Chapter 2

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The Interviews: 

I walk into 667's room. I decided to interview him first since he was the least crazy out of the three. I walk in and sit in a nearby chair.

"So, how do you feel about your brother, Clayton?" I ask, taking out a piece of paper and pen.

"Oh he's great! He really helps protect the family but.. He may be excessive but it's understandable with him," he smiled warmly at me.

"Okay, what about 668? Are you on good terms or do you fight easily?" I ask as I write down his previous answer.

"Oh Rip Tide? That little guppy's adorable! I trust to him keep my brother, me and Mist safe."

"I see. And 665?" I ask, continuing to write. I had found out where his mask was earlier in the day and was told to keep it away at all costs.

"Oh well.. She's the only one for me, you know? We're family..Heh.. I can't describe how i feel, no words man,"

"Alright, I see. So what would you do to get that mask of yours.?"

"I don't know.. If you mean sacrifice my friends i'd never do that. I don't know what i'd do to get it back, but i'd sacrifice myself before i'd sacrifice my dear friends."

"You're quite caring for the two of them, why's that..?"

"Like before, they're family."

"Okay.. hm.. So if you got the mask, what would you do? Or do you have no control over yourself?"

"I have control but.. Right now my brother is really tied up in here, and he's getting upset. He deserves to get out, have a breather, you know?"

"Hm.. yeah, I understand. Okay, i'm going to interview 665. I'll talk to you later. Want me to give her anything or say anything? Because until the day you walk together you can't see either of them."

"Hm.. Tell her I say hello!"

"Alright i'll see you later" I then walk to 665's room and open the door, she looks up at me and smirks.

"Hello doctor~ Have you seen my dear senpai yet?"

"Yes actually, I just interviewed him, he says hello!"

"Oh, okay~ Heh, too bad I can't see him" she pouts "anyways, what do you want" she suddenly glared at me.

"I came for an interview today."

"Hm, fine" she sighed "What do ya wanna know doc? Hehe.."

"Patient 667 says that you're like family, correct?"

"Oh sort of dear, I love him and he loves me! And if anyone hurts him" she gives me a cold, terrifying glare "they're dead~ Hehe!"

"i-I-i see.. well..How about uhmn.. What happened to your family before you met..? Or where are they now..?" I suddenly see 665 look down in what looks like shame.

"They're.. Gone.. I devoured them.. I.." her hands were shaking, it looked as if she was going to cry "NEXT QUESTION!"

"Alright then.. How do you feel about subject 668,"

"Oh, Onii-Chan~. He's a big brother to me, he's amazing! Of course he's very powerful, and that makes the little group even better"

"What would you do for this 'family' of yours?"

"Oh anything dear! If I kill people, I kill people. If I have to rip myself to shreds, I WILL.."

"I don't believe that 667 or 668 would allow you to do that"

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