Edited One-Piper

15.5K 364 28

200 A.D.

Life is hard for everyone living in the colonies. Crops are no longer plentiful. If we do manage to grow any crops they rot within the day that they start to mature. Sickness has spread throughout all of the colonies, killing anyone who gets it; later called the black plague.

Besides the crops and sickness, the biggest threat to everyone is the vampires. They are vicious creatures who feed off of people's blood. No one can outrun them, or get close enough to drive a wooden stake through their heart.

More people have died at the vampire's hands than anything else. The people who are close to death will go seek the creatures out during the night and have them drink them dry. By doing that, the vampires haven't been going after those of us who are healthy. This moment of peace is not going to last long. I know for I was the first victim.

I was walking home from one of my friend's houses when I was attacked. I was grabbed from behind, when all of the sudden, I felt someone bite into my neck. At first, it didn't register that I was being attacked by the vampire because it was daytime.

I blacked out after a while, and once I awoke, I was in the woods behind my house. I got up and raced inside thinking that what just happened was all a dream. That wasn't the case.

Once I walked inside, I was met with the site of my mother cooking and my father talking to her. I must have distracted her because she cut her finger with the knife that was in her hand cutting up the carrots that didn't rot yet. The next thing I knew, I was across the room with my teeth on my mother's neck.

After I killed her, I also killed my father. I became a monster, just like what we fear.

After I could move, I ran with lightning speed out of the house and out of town. I never went back and never stayed in one place for too long.

The good thing about all of the running that I did is that I was able to meet other vampires. They taught me how to control my thirst, and how to feed without killing and compulsion. The most interesting thing that they told me was about mates, the one person who is meant to be your true love. Only love. The person who you spend your whole life with.

The only problem was the fact that I live forever unless I get staked through the heart. I voiced my concerns about if this person is human. They simply explained the mating process and that once I mate and mark them, they would become immortal, but still remain as a human.

Now I just have to find my mate.

Hope you like this new story.

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