Chapter Two

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So after all the responses I received from Chapter One, I decided to write the next chapter a little early :) Thanks for the feedback, keep it up and please continue voting/commenting ^_^

Chapter Two

             The fog slowly settled in and wrapped itself around Quinn and I, like a whip around the ankles as punishment in the King's Dungeon. The thought of punishment reminded me of the crazy act I was about to do and I could not help but shudder in fear.

Is this wrong for what I am about to do? Should I just stay and continue living my life on the streets as a prostitute?

But before my doubts could continue creeping in, the sound of water sloshing back and forth broke through my thoughts. My eyes wandered the dock and for the first time in seventeen years, I finally sighed in content. The mixed smell of salt water and rum made me feel at home. Like I was no longer an outcast.

             Several brown ships slowly moved back and forth and were tied to surround the hard, aged, wooden dock. Each ship had white, torn sails, telling each person who passed it, the journeys it has gone through.

"Which one is yours?" I whispered.

"That one over there." Quinn pointed. "The one with the pearl up on the mast."

My gaze moved up towards the top of the mast and found it gleaming with a different light.

"Why is it a pearl?" I questioned.

"Pearls stand for good luck and wisdom, and so far, it's been doing well. Although my crew did not agree with it because a pearl can mean feminism, we stuck with it. I'm surprised a mutiny hasn't happened yet."

"Quinn..." I trailed off.

"Yes?" He looked at me, his face filled with content and warm blue eyes.

         "Why did you pick me?" I said hoarsely. "I'm a woman. Women are bad luck on boats."

He sighed and brushed his hand through his hair. "It's not that they're bad luck, it's just what they cause." He stopped shortly and looked out into the murky water as though he could see his past floating by. "Sailors are always sex-deprived due to all the years out on the sea, and well if a woman is on board, choas strikes and if someone isn't paying attention, then the ship crashes and everyone dies. But I'm taking a chance. Mira," He moved his head to look directly into my eyes. "I'm almost fourty-nine. My mother had always wanted me to find a wife and settle down but, I ruined her dreams by becoming a pirate. Mira, you're my second chance. I know you want to be out there just like me. Who else is better?"

"Is my yearn for freedom that loud?"

Quinn quietly chuckled. "I can see it written all over your face."

          I pursed my lips and looked out onto the water, my brain muddled with uncertain feelings.

"Quinn, I do want to go with you, I really do. But, I don't want to cause any trouble."

"I'll protect you." He responded quickly.

"Can I just hide?" I sighed. "I'll just hide from the rest of the world so that you don't have to pity me. Just go without me."

"Mira..." As Quinn began to protest, a clang of soldiers were heard in the distance.

"Quinn, you need to leave now."

"All right then let's go."

"No!" I whispered fiercely. "I was being a foolish girl a couple hours ago. I will just stay and wait till I have another chance."

              "You don't get it do you Mira? This." He gestured towards the mahogany ship. "This is your only chance. If you stay now, you'll be stuck here forever. Do you really want to be a prostitute forever?"

"No, but I also don't want to run away with a man whom I've just met. Shakespeare wrote something similar. I don't want to be like that."

"But we're not lovers nor are we young."

"You've seen the play?" I gasped.

"Yes. But I can explain it all as long as we're still alive on that boat." He emphasizes."Mira, if you want to live then go before the soldiers see that you're talking to a pirate. But if you want to live a different life then take my hand."

"I'm not a foolish girl." I shook my head.

"I know you're not but you're a caged girl."

              I looked into Quinn's bright blue, urgent eyes for a moment and looked around my surroundings. I realized that the fog had lifted as though my own hometown gave permission for me to leave. The moon slowly rose and gave off a white, pure aura around the barrels of fish and homes near the dock.

"You're right." I sighed. "Even the moon is telling me to go. It's like everything covered by the moon is like a ghost, almost invisible. I'm done here." I said as my hand connected with his.

"The crew sleeps very lightly so what I'm going to do is climb up on board and give you a ladder. Then I'll carry you to my room where you can hide for the rest of our voyage."

"Hide? No one said anything about hiding."

"You can come out at nighttime. It won't be long."

            He quickly climbed the rope leading to the deck and quietly jumped leaving me shivering with fear.

Hurry hurry. I prayed, that the soldiers would not arrive until I was hidden.

"Mira!" Quinn harshly whispered.

I looked up and carefully climbed the rope ladder. After several minutes later, I jumped onto the deck out of breath.

"Shh." He lifted his fingers against his lips."Now I'm going to gently lift you up so that the crew don't hear your footsteps, the floors might creak, but they're used to it."

I quietly nodded and waited for Quinn to hoist me up.

"Here we go." He whispered.

He quietly lifted me up and walked down a hall quietly passing several doors as the floor recognized our presence rather loudly.

            Quinn stopped at a door and quietly pushed it open.

"No door handle?" I teased.

"I chopped it off. It was getting annoying. But I'll lock the door just for you." He winked.

"Why thank you kindly, Quinn." I yawned. "But why do you have your own room? I thought pirates shared."

"They do, but the captain thinks I'm more important than the first mate."

"What are you?" I questioned.

"Quartermaster. And I guess the captain thinks I need plenty of sleep to guide our way through the seas."

"Ah. I see." I sat on the small bed and looked around the room.

             It was definitely smaller than what I was used to but it was cozy. One table was in the middle and several unknown items were strewn about the room.

"Sorry, I wasn't really expecting myself to bring back a girl." He laughed.

"It's all right, it just makes the room more lived in."

"You should see the others' rooms. It's a sty. But I'm sure you can see it when...They're used to you. Or when they're not paying attention to someone in their room. Until then we should get some sleep."

"Yeah." I agreed. "Thanks, by the way. I really do appreciate it." I said as my head hit the pillow and sleep welcomed me with open arms.


:/ How was it? Horrible huh? Well please tell me ^_^ Vote if it's not horrible, comment or whatever ish you prefer. Thanks :)

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