"Your grace, it is with deep regret that I inform you our randy ways have caught up with us" the woman replied.
"See err my wife is pregnant and so am I. We need refugee, the father of my child's wife will kill me and she doesn't know who the father off her child is ,hell it could even be you" the man finished.
"Nay fucking way , last time I've been there was before autumn so if it was mine she be near birthing. Nay! And don't be saying shit like that around my Shannon either. You two are not even fucking married." Said Alasdair. "Well it seemed that it was a very cold winter indeed with everyone bloody breeding." He thought.

"Aye not legally but everyone beliefs we are for our king confirmed our union." Smirked the woman.

"Aye I was bloody drunk at the time,would've looked very bad if I took it back when I sobered up since I declared it in front of the chieftains and lords." The chief replied.

"Fuck! Fucking hell! Hammish disclaimed nervously.
Both him and Alasdair jumped startled as a bang sounded on the door.

"Alasdair why is this door locked? Come Shannon's voice as he jiggled the doorknob.

"Don't open, perhaps they'll think we not here and go" whispered Hammish.
Alasdair moved towards the door. He held his finger up.
"You two misfitting whores behave."
He smiled as he opened the door but his smile immediately disappeared when he saw Bryce with Shannon.

Shannon looked at Alasdair who seemed to be very reluctant to move so that they can enter. He arched his eye brow and gave Alasdair a questioning look. He picked up on Alasdair's nervousness. The way the man wrung his hands together.
"Move aside Alasdair or is there some reason I'm not permitted to enter?
" Nay of course not love."  He said and he stepped aside for Shannon to enter Bryce followed him.

It took exactly a half a second for all hell to break lose when Bryce saw the woman. He gave an ear piercing scream and launched at her throat. Hammish jumped in and knocked him over as he yelled at Bryce. "You can't be go attacking her she's pregnant and beside she'd kill you."
"Oh you bastard you protecting her." Yelled Bryce.
"Nay" answered Hammish as he held on to Bryce.
"Is the babe yours or Alasdairs" Bryce sobbed.

" Nay!
Come from Shannon and Alasdair at the same time. Hammish shook his head in denial.
"Look Bryce we used to be best friends since childhood. I was hoping by now you would've forgiven me" said the woman.
"Oh forgive you for fucking my husband" sneered Bryce.

"He was hurting and all I wanted to do was comfort a friend." She said.
"Comfort him, in what life did you think it was right to comfort my husband with your cunt. It was not your pain to take and share it was ours. We should've been given the time to grief for our daughter and comfort each other. It was not your place to." Answered Bryce.
" Look I know and I'm sorry but fact of the matter is I've knew Hammish's cock long before you did. Me him and Alasdair used fuck each other senseless after a battle." She proudly proclaimed.

Shannon looked at Alasdair and said through gritted teeth.
"Explain who these people are and why do I have to hear that she used to pleasure your cocks"

Alasdair swallowed. He knew these two were going to make trouble. If there's one person that can make a man break his vows then it would this female warrior in front off him.
"This here is Sinead and her supposed husband Liam , she is a warrior used to ride into battles with us. Amongst other things." He mumbled.
"I presume the other things is that you fucked her and she obviously does not hold the sanctity of marriage sacred since Hammish was unfaithful with her. What are they doing here?
Asked Shannon.

He looked at a distorted Bryce and felt his heart contract. Bryce did not deserve all he's been put through. If there's one thing Bryce will have in him is a friend that is steadfast and loyal to a fault. He saw that Alasdair was not willing to explain their appearance here. The other two men in the room just regarded the drama and every so often the big warrior would cast a glance at Shannon.

"Shannon they are both pregnant and they need a safe place until the babes are born. They not married only pretend to be to well. ........... It obvious to fuck around. They going to be staying here for a while" Alasdair laugh nervously.

"No" answered Shannon.
"Look here my Queen you have no right to answer no. I have been pleasuring that monster cock of our Lord longer that you knew him. I have battled with him moire than you know, saved his life at one time. I've came so a debt can be paid and we Scotts pay our debt."  Said the woman.

Shannon turned his head sideways and asked his husband. "Alright I understand a debt to be paid so you house her in the castle cottage away from us."

"Nay! Me and Liam's safety is important especially if you count who's wife is after him. Your Grace the father of that child is Callum and Irene will kill them both you know that. Nay we need to be here in the castle near your swords." She said.

"What's it going to be Alasdair and keep in mind not long ago you made a vow to me that  no one be more important than me again" Shannon asked. He wanted to test Alasdair's loyalty towards him.

"Ah Shannon the vows I made as a warrior we're made love before I had you,its a vow a have to honour please. This castle is big they won't be bothering you" he begged.
"She will we have to sit at the dinner table with her , know that she is here and wonder is she pleasuring your cocks behind our backs" answered Shannon.

"We promise both you and Bryce, we shall never touch her in that way ever again. Please don't give me an ultimatum I don't like that." Said Alasdair.

Shannon nodded his head. "I see and of course you won't feel safe unless you housed on the same floor as Alasdair." He said. Sinead nodded her head in agreement. Shannon turned to Dagues and Ewan. "Are my uncle Dagues." He asked. One again Dagues nodded affirmative.
"Good, walked with me please. Bryce let us be gone." He said.

"Shannon Please! We not done talking." Begged Alasdair.
"No my lord we are done, you can't be kept busy talking to me when you have your whores cunt to protect." He answered bitterly as he walked out.

Alasdair  winced and exhaled a deep breath."Lord is there ever gonna come a time when he could prove to Shannon how important he is to him." He thought. He turned to Sinead and  Liam. These two never minded who they fucked or hurt. Their feelings always came first. It never bothered him until now.
"Let's be clear here, my debt to you I will pay. My vows to him I will not break. He's my wife , thwart him and you'll be gone. Hurt him and I will kill you debt or not. He pregnant and the safety of our child is as important as the bastards you carry. Am I clear." He asked.
"Aye your grace." They both answered.
"Your grace, Hammish I've never meant to hurt Bryce , he was my friend and I know he might never forgive me. The life we live is of our own choosing and you may say it thought us some valuable lessons. One being every action has a reaction. We would have never came back here because of Bryce but we had no choice." Sinead explained.

"Aye you right I just pray that the reaction I'm about to get is not one that's gonna uncock me."  He said as he led them out of the study and up to the bedrooms on his floor. Hammish followed silently in a world of conflict of his own and off his own making.

Thank for reading. Pls comment and vote.

Chief McKinnon the Highlander. [Manxboy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora