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Ryan yawned, his eyes sore from staring at that screen for three hours straight. He coughed gently, stretching out his numb muscles.
Why can't these bastards just edit their own videos? I'm not getting paid enough for this. he thought. Once he added the outing music, Ryan saved the video twice, just in case, and sent one copy to his manager for approval before it was sent off.
The time was 5:15 in the afternoon, he still had 45 minutes until he finally got to leave his own personal hell.
The email notification came through quickly, making Ryan jump slightly. He opened the email.

To - RyanBergara@Buzzfeed.com
From - AlexanderWillow@Buzzfeed.com

Come to my office now. It's about your video.

Ryan scrunched up his nose, breathing out shakily as he stood up, turning his computer screen off. His hands were shaking gently. Ignoring the odd looks he was being shot, Ryan walked to Alexander's office. He opened the door and walked in.
"Close the door." Alexander demanded. Ryan obliged.
"Sit down." Ryan obliged.
"You're quiet. People are getting suspicious. I've been sent 17 emails today, all about people being worried about you. Shocking how people pretend to care about you, isn't it? But you know there's one person who does really care about you, don't you?"
Ryan nodded gently.
"Who actually cares about you, Ryan? Who shows you more love than anyone else will ever because you don't deserve their pity?"
"Y-you." Ryan stuttered, looking at his feet. Alexander smirked, standing up.
"That's right. Me. No one else would bother taking you into their hearts to be a simple burden on them. But I love you. Me, and no one else. You know that, don't you? When I hurt you, or yell at you, it's because I love you, and I want you to be safe. I admit it, I get angry. But it's the shit you do that angers me, but I still love you. Doesn't that show how much I love you?"
Ryan was silent.
"Ryan, answer me."
"Yes, it does. I don't mean to make you angry, Alex, I really don't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Ryan whimpered, biting his lip. Alexander did that fucking smirk again; he knew he had won. Slowly, Alexander walked behind Ryan and squeezed his shoulder. The fear rippled through Ryan, causing him to whimper quietly once again, shrivelling up. Alexander ran a hand through Ryan's hair, mocking comfort before gripping it harshly and bring their faces closer together.
"You better not tell anyone anything. You know what I'll do. Now get back to work and if I receive even one more email about you acting strangely, I'll make sure you go through hell tonight. Now you better get back to your computer and start working on another video, and be the good little boy I know you can be and stop making people pity you. Because that's all it is. Pity."
Ryan nodded and stood up quickly, walking out pale and shaken.
Shane looked up from his computer.
What's he doing to you, Ryan?


There you go. By the way, I love you and you're beautiful and you'll never be a burden. The world is harsh, but you'll get through it, I swear.

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