Chapter 4

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A cheer went up among the crowd. Then Harley jumped as a voice spoke loudly in what she assumed was her head.
Hello, Harley. It said.
I look forward to our time together.
Harley smiled at the dragon.
"Same here," She said.

Donavan approached them, and Harley tore her eyes away from Blithe's scales to look at him.
"Why don't you two hang out on the island, and then we'll get you a training schedule later." He suggested.
Harley nodded in agreement.

Harley and Blithe walked to the courtyard outside the Dragon Dorm. She looked up at the Dragon nervously.

"So... I'm your trainer, huh?"
Yes, Harley. Blithe silently replied.

"Okay, cool," Harley muttered.

She still didn't know what to make of this day. Was this just a dream? If so, it was one detailed dream. She found herself hoping it was real and was surprised. Sure, Dragons were cool and all, but shouldn't she want to go home? Shouldn't she want to go back to earth? Then again, she was alone there. Here, she had friends. And one was a freaking Dragon.

After a while of walking, Harley looked at Blithe again.
"So... what do you think of Donavan?" She asked.
"Is he a good leader?"

Blithe seemed uncomfortable.
He's selfish and kind of a bad guy. But you didn't hear that from me.

"Oh." Harley said, looking down. She wasn't sure why, but she felt disappointed.

Blithe glanced at Harley, her eyes narrowed.
Why do you ask?

"Oh... it's just... he seems kinda nice." Harley cringed. Nice?

Blithe snorted.
Don't fall for him.

Harley looked offended. This Dragon was already ordering her around. Wasn't Blithe supposed to be the one being trained?

"I'm not falling for him!"
She protested.

Whatever you say, Harley. Blithe shrugged.

A few minutes later, Harley looked at her watch, a big steampunk looking thing with black gears throughout it.
"I'm hungry," She muttered. "It's almost five, and all I had today were Chickin Mini's."

Dinner is soon. I'll take you. Blithe offered. It's at the mess hall. Everyone eats at once. There you'll be able to talk with other Frat Members. 

"Thank you." Harley said.

They awkwardly stood there for a few seconds before Harley realized she was supposed to fly there. She put her head down as she climbed onto Blithe, feeling embarrassed. Was she ever going to stop feeling like that?

Blithe flapped a few times, her large wings lifting them into the air. As they flew, Harley could tell the Dragon wasn't used to having a passenger.
After what seemed like a long time, Blithe circled down and landed by what Harley assumed was the mess hall.

Are you okay? The Dragon asked Harley, who had wide eyes and was twitching a little.
Did I go too fast? Sorry.

Harley slid off and managed to smiled at Blithe.
"It's fine, I'm just not used to that." She looked over at the Mess Hall.
"I guess I'll just go in."

You don't have to sit anywhere in particular. Just grab food and find a seat.

"Thanks!" Harley said, relieved to have someone to explain things to her, as the Dragon flew off. Then she went inside.

The place was busy, the gigantic room filled with kids. She walked to one of the lines for food. It moved quickly, and she was able to receive food after only a couple minutes. Then she turned and scanned the crowd for an empty seat. They all looked pretty full. Then she saw an empty table with a single boy sitting at it. She headed over and sat down. The boy's eyes shot up to stare at her. He had earbuds in, and she could hear the faint beat of music.

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