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Your profile.

• Your seventeen.
• Lydias "best friend".
• smartest kid in class.
• Sporty.
• Maddies older sister

"Mina! Wake up!" Maddie says as she kicks me.

"Yah! Stop that!" I yell.

I slowly walk to my bathroom and do my routine. I quickly dress up and run to school. I noticed that Maddie already left.

"Mina!" Yelled Lydia.

I ingored her since i had a bad mood. Mom and dad left us, yup. They got divorced and fought about who was gonna keep us. They ended up leaving us instead and moving to a different country each.

"World to Mina!" Lydia yelled as she looks at me weirdly.

"Ok! Ok! Just go to class, i'll go later." I said.

"Whatever you say.." she runs inside the school.

I was about to go to the cafe to get a frappe until i saw my boyfriend.... Mark (not from any kpop groups.) He was sitting down on a chair with a girl, they were holding hands..

I fall on my knees and silently cry.

He then finally sees me crying.

He runs up to me then stands there.

"Mina, i-i can explain!" He stutters.

"I'm sorry. I need to g-" I say as he holds my wrist and tightens it.

"Let go!" I plead.

"Mina! Let me explain!"

"Just let go!" I began to cry.

"Let me explain!" His voice rises up as he tightens my wrist until my hand numbs up.

I began to cry even more by his action.

Before i could say a word, someone yelled in the far back.

"Let her go." I hear as the voice gets near.

"Who are you?" Mark says.

"Let her go before you break your jaw." The other voice says calmy.

"Get away from us!" Mark yells. He tightens his grip even more.

The man behind me walks to Mark and
Punches him down.

The man grabs me and pulls me
Out the of the cafe.

"Are you okay?" He says as he holds my shoulders.

I nod.

He looks at my hand shaking.

My wrist was so red, i could barely
move my hands at this moment.

He checks if Marks watching us then he looks back at my wrist and frowns.

"We're going to the nurses office." He walks me to the school near us to get my wrist fixed.

Twenty minutes later

"Oh god! Who did this?!" The nurse
said in horror.

"M-my ex.." i reply looking down.

"Kids these days, always getting hurt." She sighs.

Twenty minutes later

"You'll be sent home, this boy will guide you home and stay with you for a while. I'll go to the office to tell them you'll be absent." The nurse walks out snd leaves us two alone.

30 minutes later

"Ah, sorry to randomly say this, i'm Namjoon." He looks over to me snd
Smiles while he sticks his hands out.

Gosh, those dimples!

I nod and smile, i shake his hands and say,

"I'm Mina, and thank you, for protecting me."

"No worries." He chuckles.

"M-mina?" He stutters.

"Hm?" I looks over to him,

"Since you're not going to school tomorrow, do you mind going to the beach or park with me?" He asks.

"Sure! Both is fine." I answer.

"But, aren't you going to school?" I tilt  my head in question.

"I'll skip." He looks at me and smiles.

"Ah, ohk.." i look down and blush

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