Voices In His Head

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Jack opened his eyes, looked at his clock to see that they were already late to school. Groaning, he turned over facing Marks back. He started shaking him softly. "Mark...get up, ugh we're already late to school"

Mark turned over facing his lover with tired eyes "Okay..."

The two men quickly got dressed and left to school fast as possible. Once they reached the building the bell rang, looking at the clock, it was second period.

Mark kissed Jacks cheek and left to second period. For some reason Jack sighed in annoyance once the others lips touched his cheek. Jack has never done that before, he can slowly feel him loosing himself again. Mark didn't think anything of it and left.

Shaking his head, Jack took back control. "What's happening to me?..."

Once he sat next to Zachary in class a smile immediately appeared on his face. "Hey Zachary"

Zack gave him a smile back "Hey, Jack. So Mark and you are still going to the party tonight right?"

"I am for sure, Mark...I don't know yet, I'll tell you when I know for sure. Are you still going?"

"Fuck yeah, it's gonna be awesome. Trust me, I've been to this girls party's and she knows how to throw em"

Later ~

At lunch the three teens met at the same spot as yesterday. "So Mark, you going to the party or not?"

A sad look snuck on his face. "Umm actually no. The coach wanted me and the team to practice after school. And tonight I have to take care of Chica"

"Chica?" Zachary asked.

"My dog, just got her last night"

"I see, well I hope you have a great time. Jack?"

Jack looked at Mark. "I mean, Mark. I can stay home with you tonig-"

"No" Mark responded to Jack with a smile.


"I want you to have fun tonight. I'll take care of Chica, you have a fucking blast tonight babe"

"Mark, are you sure?..."

"I'm sure....I gotta go, I'll see you later on tonight when you get home Jack"

Jack smiled happily. "I'll see you tonight"

Mark stood up and left off to the football field. Zachary smiled "I can pick you up tonight"

"Yeah? I can always just walk"

"No, it's no problem really. Let's just have fun tonight"

The male agreed with Zachary and continued to talk to him about the party tonight.


Jack can hear a motorcycle outside, kissing his boyfriend goodbye he walked outside. The male sat behind Zachary once again putting his hands around his waist. It started happening again, the feeling of losing control. Jack started sweating, he can feel himself loosing control.
"Just let me in" A voice said in Jacks head.

"I'm losing my mind" Jack mumbled to himself.

"You know you want to let me take control, Seán. No more pain, no more worrying" The voice continues to say.

Jack ignored the voice in his head focusing on other things. Even if they were small.

Zachary turned off his motorcycle in front of a very large house. Music was so loud you can hear it almost a block away. You can feel the floor vibrating once you get to the front door. People passed out drunk in the front yard. It was crazy.

Walking inside together, it was full of people. Lights everywhere. "I'm going to get a drink!" Jack shouted at the other male.

He nodded his head and left to a group of teens, Jack started feeling dizzy, his blood started pumping through his body quickly. His heart started beating faster. "I need a fuckin drink" he said to himself.

Picked up a beer he chugged it down to only grab another bottle. The loud music started causing more pain to his head. Trying to find Zachary he started stumbling. He only had one beer, how could he drunk already?

"Let me in, or I'll force myself in"
"N-No!" Jack yelled at himself aloud.

Zachary walked over towards Jack putting his hand on his shoulder concerned. "Jack?! Are you okay?!" He yelled at Jack, but Jack couldn't hear a single word he was saying to him.

Losing all hearing, he starting to sweat more. Suddenly he lost all control of himself, someone or something took control of his body. Jack was now trapped in his own head.

Looking up he can see a worried look on Zack's face. "H-help me" Jack mumbled out looking Zack dead in the eyes.

But the music was too loud, the male couldn't even hear what Jack had said. Suddenly Jack fell into the males arms passing out.

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