Right in front of both buildings were large parking lots filled with cars. However, we didn't head towards that area, we were driving to the right.

We drove downwards to what seems to be a underground parking area. Alexander parked the car and we both got out. I had to speed up to catch up with his long strides.

We stood in front of the largest building that had multiple automatic sliding doors.

"Main building." He looked in front, then turned to the left. "Infirmary. We have doctors, nurses, therapists. Second floor, forensics."

We walked in.

He began explaining the place in curt sentences like he had when he was explaining his house to me. "Left side, large food area, cafeteria. You also access the hospital wing from there are well, it's all connected. Right side are rooms and conference areas for joint task forces or places to hold meetings."

He pointed up. "Working area for many agents, no guests. No exception. Card access in elevators and at the doors if you use the stairs. Also, computers tech, security things."

The stairs were grand and one led up while right next to it, another set of stairs led downwards.

Without even sparing a look at me, he headed towards the stairs that led to the ground floor.

We reached a set of tinted double glass doors. Alexander tapped his card on a monitor near the doors and the doors slid open.

"The right side is for combat practice and training, along with areas for the special forces." He walked towards the left. He didn't need to explain what the left side was.

It seemed to be a large hallway with rooms left and right. There was a bathroom on the right and left. However, judging from the number of rooms, there weren't many units. Meaning, only a handful of people worked down here.

"All sound proofed, all glasses are bulletproof." Alexander added as we continued walking. From what I could see, the entire 'wall' of the room that faced the hallway was made with a special type of glass that the opacity can be controlled so that no one could see inside if people didn't want them to.

A few doors down, Alexander stepped in front of a glass door that the opacity was turned on to the fullest. He stepped in first and I walked in right after him. First thing I noticed was that this room was surprisingly big.

On each corner of this more so cubic than rectangular room, seemed to be workstations for each member. A large desk with a desktop. On the opposite wall of the glass one, a large screen was embedded into the wall.

"Who's that?" I heard a familiar voice speak up as soon as we entered.

Alexander stepped aside to reveal me to his teammates. At the desk on the right side of the screen was Victor. The desk straight across the room from his sat a young woman who looked a little older than I was. She had the lightest golden brown hair and the warmest deep ocean blue eyes. When she stood up, I noticed that she barely looked over 5 ft 3 in height and had a petite frame.

"Why is she here?" Victor demanded, his face absolutely unwelcoming and fierce.

I was about to taunt him when I saw the slight bruise on his jaw from when I punched him a day ago, but I decided to keep my mouth shut. Making fun of your new coworker probably wasn't going to set the best first impression.

"This is Vita Simmons. She will be a consultant for this investigation." Alexander began, his voice smooth and steady, ignoring the tension in the room.

Victor stared at me with his sea green eyes and I stared back with my icy blue ones, not wanting to back down. He stood still at his desk, not moving an inch towards me.

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