Matt rolled his eyes, "Ever the curious, our Miss prim and proper."

"Careful before labelling Mathew. For all you know I could be the Grim Reaper in disguise," she said with a pretense gravelly voice. "Or perhaps your personal spy."

"Oh maybe tooth fairy in disguise," he suggested.

She sighed, "I'll leave it to you to figure who I am."

"You aren't going to answer my question, are you?" she asked again expectantly.

For some reason or the other, she felt a little 'over' curious of the files and obliged to reveal Matt's identity.

"Sorry. Disclosure of confidential information will have us--me under treason leading to striping off my-"

"That's enough. She didn't ask for your oath," Matt said interrupting Edward's oath of loyalty.

"Yeah. A simple no would've sufficed but it was nice knowing your sincerity and loyalty for our country," she said, offering a small smile.

"Save your words for someone who deserves it. This bastard- ow," Edward's blow made Matt shut his mouth.

"Actions speak more than words," she said, noting how fishy the boys were behaving.

"Oh by the way why am I here?" she asked. The two stopped quarrelling and looked at her.

"Yes why are we here?" Matt demanded.

"Well," Edward drawled. "You know why."

"Well," the girl mimicked him. "Apparently our heart to heart conversation was interrupted by a jobless police officer, who decided that arresting two innocent teenagers would be fun."

Matt sighed, regretting his decision of letting her come up with the 'reasonable' excuse.

He raised his eyebrows, "Seriously?"

"Don't blame me! My brain is currently having its beauty sleep," she said, looking anywhere but him.

"Fine," he huffed. "Edward, why are we here?"

"Demands lead to no decent answer Mathew," she scolded, her voice resembling that of a nun during one of his sermons.

"Pardon me Ms soft-and-spongy. Mr. Edward Paige, why am I here again?" Matt said, his voice dripping of sarcasm. "Was that kind enough?"

"Very much," she said with an eye roll.

"I arrested you for murder. Let's take it as first degree murder," Edward said as though he was narrating a bedtime story to a kid. One that was profoundly nightmarish.

"What?" the girl shrieked. "Killing oneself is NOT murder."

"Yes, I agree but you helped Matt die," Edward said.

"Mr. Blind Cop, if it isn't the very Matt who, theoretically I had helped to die, is infront of you, then who else is? An imposter?"

"You've gotta be kidding me," Matt muttered. He felt like a third-wheel in a very lame fight between two very lame people.

"The existence of this raven-haired delinquent was a mystery to me till now. What makes you think I would help him? Let alone die," she said gesturing at Matt.

Matt seemed to have made himself occupied in shooting daggers at Edward. It gave her enough confidence to insult him without being caught.

"What makes you think that Matt is a delinquent?" Edward asked making brief eye contact with Matt.

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