Chapter 3: The Start of Something New

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I froze, not knowing what to do. Just like when I heard Gage scream. Before I knew it I was getting up to go to the door.

"Avalon-" I don't know who said it because I didn't turn around to find out.

"Stay here." I didn't turn around. I slowly made my way to the door. Very cautiously I opened it.

"Avalon!" My neighbor squealed.

"Mrs. Ellie!" I gave her a quick hug,"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to check on you and your family, since the bombing."

"Thank you for your concern! How is your family?"

"Oh we're fine! A bit shook up after the bombing though!" She says in her high voice.

"So were we!"

"Well I have to get back to my family! And I need to get out of your way!"

"Thank you for checking on us."

"Oh your welcome dear! Good day!" I watched her walk away then went back to sit down at the table.

"Who was that?" My mother asked.

"Mrs. Ellie." I replied taking a bite of my stew, "Just checking in on us."

"How nice of her!" we finished the rest of the meal just talking about different things and eating the stew. Which I'm pretty sure had rabbit, carrots, lettuce, and corn in it. Finally everyone's done.

"I'm stuffed!" Rose exclaims.

"Me too!" I sit back in my chair.

"That was excellent Ms. Green!"

"Thanks Gage. I'm just going to do the dishes."

"Would you like some help?" Gage asks getting up.

"I'm good, but thank you. You and Avalon and Rose can go get some rest and when your done we can all just talk. Or do whatever. Not much to do anyway!" She got up, taking the dishes with her. I had no idea where Gage would sleep. Hopefully he would find the couch comfortable, because my mom had a bed, and me and Rose have a bed. The only thing left to sleep on was the old wooden floor. Or the couch. I guess he could read my thoughts.

"Guess I'll take the couch," he says laying on the couch.

"Yeah, bad enough me and Rose have to share a bed. My mom has the other."

"Yeah see you when we wake up." I walked to my bed and crawled in, seeking warmth to cover the cold feeling that was trying to over come me.

"He's cute," Rose says as she slides in with me.

"Yeah, I guess." I hadn't really thought about him that way. Not that I should ever think about him that way. Oh my god. Have I thought of him that way? Should I think of him that way? I shook the thought from my mind. The last thing I needed was another problem.

"Just go to sleep." I really didn't have time to think of him that way either.  

To much drama. I'm so not going to sleep now.

   I waited about half and hour then got up. I checked. Everyone was asleep. I went outside. I grabbed my bow and arrow, in case I needed it then headed towards my favorite spot. An old oak tree about a mile away from my house. As I got to it I climbed up it to the highest branch, hoping to escape the drama.

    As I got to the highest point without falling, I sat with my legs hanging over the edge, but my head against the tree. I was about 50 feet up. How could I fall in love at a time like this? In a place like this? He'd probably leave eventually. I don't even like him like that. Do I? So much drama, I don't even have a best friend I could talk to about it. Actually I do. But he lives so far. I can go there. But I need to leave a note.

Hunt and HuntedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora