Chapter 34: Sigma/Star

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Syn licked the warm blood off of his cold metal skin and relished the taste that registered in his mouth, letting it tingle a little before spitting it back to the ground. It was not his blood of course, for he could not bleed. As he had been flying he had swooped too low at such a high speed that he collided with a soldier on the ground, and the man had instantly vaporized into a mist of blood, the rest of his body burned away by Syn's passing.

It was such a pity that Syn's playground was cluttered with all these fragile objects. The android rolled out of the way of an energy beam that cut through the air and then a tank, slicing it clean in half. The purple projectile had come from Sigma, Syn's newest obsession and sparring partner, though he fought with him like less of an opponent and more like puppies practicing.

The setting sun reflected its brilliant orange across the metal of the two cyborgs, sending glimmers and rays shooting through the air as the duo continued their deadly dance. Syn's razor claws shot out as he dashed for Sigma in a surprise strike. His opponent barely pulled back enough to dodge most of the blow, leaving Syn to rake across Sigma's chest.

"Brother, this is too much fun! But must we always be fighting like this? I remember when we first met. You were so intent with your causes, so resolved to solve all the problems you thought existed. Now look at you! Fighting a stranger because you don't like how they look? How strange."

"Shut up you killer!" Sigma lashed forward with his fist, enveloping it in the purple energy he stored within himself. It crackled through the air before Syn brushed it aside with his own hand. Sigma attempted to follow through with an uppercut but Syn caught this one and tossed Sigma into the air playfully.

"You'll never win with those kinds of moves, no way now. You need to do things like this." Syn disappeared in a blur, leaving Sigma floating through the air, his sensors scrambling to find his enemy. He could detect everything all over the earth, everything he could connect to, but suddenly that massive power signature had vanished?

Suddenly, he felt Syn's clawed fingers biting into his right arm from behind and heard Syn whisper in his ear. "You're no fun to kill Sigma. Fun things to kill can bleed and scream in pain. You wouldn't do that for me at all."

Sigma twisted and threw his elbow back into Syn's head, finally connecting a solid blow and shaking the android off himself. He turned to look down at Syn, who was lying on the grassy fields outside Narrius as though it were a peaceful sunny day. The sadistic robot pointed over at the sun as it faded on the horizon. "It is beautiful, brother. Beautiful, but deadly to all life at the same time. You cannot live without it, but you can't live with it." Syn pointed at his chest, then Sigma's. "It is like us isn't it? These people need war and violence and politics and endless battles and so they need us. Beautiful, but deadly. They couldn't live without us, but they can't live with us either." As he spoke the final words, Syn lazily launched another orb of white energy towards a group of Goliaths. With a snap of his fingers, the machines were immolated by an explosion that tore through the sky.

"I would like to say I'm nothing like you Syn, but I'm aware of our many similarities. And it looks like neither of us wants to be stuck within the boundaries of what our masters wish."

"Oh but I do! I'm doing what I was asked to do. You don't remember that at all though, do you? Our program? Our purpose? The things we are supposed to do? How sad." Syn looked genuinely depressed by Sigma's lack of memory, igniting fury within Sigma. At his mockery.

Syn flipped up just in time to dodge another blast from Sigma's energy beams, this one shooting off and fading away harmlessly in the air. In response, Syn took off towards Sigma, head butting the android in the chest and sending the two flying through the air. Sigma began pounding his fists down against Syn but to no avail as the two careened through the air.

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