Cookies Have Meaning

Start from the beginning

     I walked back upstairs. Everyone’s doors were open. Nobody was in them.

    I popped up in Thomas’s kitchen and I saw everyone laughing and having fun. The snacks were made and the had their blankets and everything.

“I…what…oh… “I went back to the commons and threw everything away and just sat on the ground hugging myself tightly.

      I didn't want this. I started crying silently on the ground. Soon leading up to me being a shaking mess.

      I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed the flour, eggs, milk, buter, and sugar. I was done.

     I made some sugar cookies and frosted them with the trademark items of each of them and Thomas too. I put them on a plate and sat them in the Commons.

     I suddenly heard footsteps and laughing coming to the Commons and I just ran to my room and slammed the door shut.

~PoV Virgil~

    We were in Thomas’s living room watching Black Cauldron. Ive watched it so many times, but I loved it. We were laughing and having fun.

But something felt off…I don't know.

“Have we forgotten about something?” I looked at Logan.

“Not that I am aware of, Virgil. Why?” I looked at the screen.

“Never mind. I just thought we forgot something.” We smiled and watched the show.

~le time skip~

       We were done for the night and it was about six in the morning. We all needed some sleep.

      While walking back in the Commons, we heard a door slam shut. Must’ve been one of the kids. They may be rough housing.

“Wait, what's that?” Roman pointed at a small tray on a table in the middle of the commons. We turned on the lights to see it was a tray if cookies.

“Guys, I think I remember what I was worrying about earlier…” We all looked at each other.

“Oh no… “we all said in unison. We ran to Patton’s room and started banging on the door.

“PATTON!! PATTON OPEN UP!!! PATTON PLEASE!! WE'RE SORRY!! “We were yelling at the top of our lungs and nothing worked.

“Wait, I can try to break down the door.” Logan and I looked at Roman. We nodded and stood back.

“One…” He stood back.

“Two…” He bent down a bit.

“THREE!!” He ran into the door, causing it to bust of the hinges. We all saw nothing.

“Guys…what…is…that… “I pointed at a trail of red liquid coming from the bathroom. We ran to the door and managed to unlock it.

     We saw Patton unconscious on the floor with a large gash in his head. A small note was on the sink with a pen. I picked it up and read it.

It was too hard to get a thank you. You don't even smile. I did so much to make you happy. You completely disregarded it. Tonight I prepared everything for you. It was a marathon. I read dictionary after dictionary and every piece of literature to talk to you, Logan. I practiced with swords to practice with you, Roman. I even learned everything about everything you loved, Virgil, to have some kind of conversation with you. A few hours ago, I asked what you all were doing. Why would you lie to me like that? I did nothing. I was being a parent. I loved you guys.

I never thought I'd say this…

I absolutely hate all of you. You cared about nothing but yourselves. Petty. Good luck helping with Thomas. He has no feelings anymore and no empathy for anyone.

I hope you are happy with yourselves.

Without love…Patton. 💔

“We…oh my…no… “I crushed the paper in my hands. My eyes filled with tears. I took in a deep breath and just couldn't hold it. I started crying harshly.

      Both Logan and Roman hugged me tight and we're crying as well. I couldn't believe this.

I guess this is goodbye….


I'm sorry this was so freaking angsty.... 👇👇

Welp, tissues are right here-------->> [Tissues]

Here's a Teddy Bear-------->> [Teddy Bear]

And if you need hugs, here are some virtual hugs from me------->> [Hugs]

Also, here's some virtual snuggles-------->> [Snuggles💕💕]

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