Chapter 1

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A.N. Hey guys i'm going to remind you if you haven't read any of my other stories, i don't use a posting schedule and i don't think i ever will now that my school is starting up. my best advice is to follow me so you know when i post or something.


"Hey Annabeth i have a question. Annabeth are you there they said you were in your cabin working? Annabeth!" Percy sighed think how caught up in her work she could be and pushed open the door. "Annabeth so i was thinking..." His heart stopped. In front of him was his girlfriend, kissing a son of Ares. She froze and looked at Percy with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Wow you can think. Nobody thought you could do that." The son of Ares had decided to open his fat mouth. Percy recognized him as an older camper names Jack. He had never liked Jack.

In one movement he pulled Riptide and uncapped the pen, it turned into his familiar bronze sword. He crossed the room in three strides and had Jackson pinned against the wall. He held his sword to his throat daring him to open his mouth again.

"Percy Stop! Don't hurt him!" Annabeth was trying to lower his sword arm. She succeeded, he dropped his sword and a sickening crunch was heard as his fist connected with the boys face, and broke his nose. He punched him again and again not caring about anything other then his anger and pain. Blood poured out of Jack's nose while Annabeth stood watching in horror.

"Percy please stop. Please stop hurting him." He stopped and dropped him to the ground and turned to Annabeth, but not before his sword up and slamming the hilt into Jack's temple, quite hard, he would have a concussion.

"Care to explain Wise Girl." He spat her name which cause a fresh wave of tears. She didn't answer. "Oh does the genius Annabeth not have an answer for cheating on me? No i guess not."

"I just... i... I don't know Percy i just..." She was trying to speak through the tears.

"Spit it out i would like to get away from you." His voice was deathly calm and Riptide was sheathed. But in one motion he could uncap the pen.

"I just... you were being so distant and short with me, i was hurt. You were in your own world you barely talked to me since last summer. I was worried."

"Oh yes i was very worried so i'm going to cheat on you with a guy you don't like. Thats smart." As he spoke she studied him and noticed his eyes were dry, but rimmed in red, like he had been crying a couple hours ago.

"Percy i'm sorry i don't know what i was thinking. I was hurt because of what you did."

"Yes make this my fault. You want to know why i was like that? Do you? Well let me tell you. I was trying to deal with the pain of all those deaths of my friends on my hands, i practically killed them myself. And the reason it got worse this past week, which this has obviously been going on for more than a week." He gestured to Jack in disgust. "Well Chiron pulled me away and me some 'very good news'. My parents were murdered, by a common mortal murder. That woman that protected me through everything and the man who had become my father are gone. I'm alone.

"Percy why didn't you tell me, i could have helped?"

He laughed but it was humorless. "Well i suspected you were up to something or were dealing with your own problems and i wasn't going to pressure you to talk. I didn't want to add to your burden because i was a good boyfriend. Well now i'm glad i hadn't told you. Also your excuse is pathetic." She could see he was hurting so much more then he let on and it was destroying her that it is her fault.

He just shot her a disgusted angry look and spun on his heel and walked out. The door slammed so hard things fell he wall. She collapsed onto her bed and cried wondering how she had messed up so bad, what had she been thinking. She had lost her amazing boyfriend and probably the trust of friends just for being an idiot.

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