Hello Mr.Player ch.1

Start from the beginning

"uhh..English" I answered smiling at him.

"Oh i do too!!!!" He exclaimed his eyes lighting up.

"Thats cool what do you have After tha-" I didn't finish because Kaden stiffened up and i glanced at him curiously. "everything okay?"

"..No..I gotta g-" Before he could finish he was being clung to by the same girl. "hello Brit" he greeted looking away from me, turning his back. Hurt flashed through me but i hid it. 'He probably is just talking to her.. hes not ignoring you.'

"Why are you still following him?!" Brit said annoyed glaring at me. "Go away freak your such A STALKER!"

I looked at Kaden hoping for help, and he just stared at me emotionless. Tears welled in my eyes again. WHY WAS I CRYING SO MUCH?

"Kaden.. wanted to walk with me" I choked out. I used his full name.

"Did you want to walk with her Kad?" Brit said. Kad. She called him Kad. He said i was the only one, that was allowed to call him Kad!!! I looked up at him chest tightened painfully.

"No. I didn't. I wouldn't EVER want to walk with her" His words cut me like a knife my heart shattering.

I turned around, and instead of running walked slowly away not saying a word.

he said he wanted to walk with you..

he said he was sorry...

He said he panicked..

were all guys like this?



Heart wrenching pain...

It was all i could feel at this moment...


I was walking down the halls ready to leave school and i could hear the whispers of the people around me.

"Did you hear? She left her old school because her boyfriend, Kadens cousin Eric. Remember him? yeah well he cheated on her.. and she just completely left. What a freak.." The girls around me were laughing at me glancing at me and pointing.

Rage flew through me and i shoved one of the girls on a locker. "WHO.TOLD.YOU.THIS." I seperated each word.

"Ka....a...den." she stuttered and i turned when i heard his laugh. He was standing there a smile across his face his eyes full of laughter. He saw me and he stared into my eyes his brown eyes melting from the solid they were to soft water.

The person i trusted...Loved.....Cared for..Believed in.. and forgave knew everything and thought it was funny. I pulled out my phone as it vibrated and saw a text from him.

'Hey whats up.'

I exited the text angrily clutching to the phone as his friends started to walk out of the school. They all walked past me laughing.

"Hey kaden you coming?" One of the guys asked. I walked past Kaden not even looking at him.

"Yeah one sec i left something in my locker." He smiled stopping feet from me. "I'll walk home go on without me"

The guy nodded and seconds later we were the only ones left in the hallway.

I walked faster.

"Kaylee!!!" he called.

I ignored him.

"Kaylee where are you going wait up!!!"

"KAYLEE whats wrong?!" He said.

Anger flew through me and i turned towards him in one swift jerking motion glaring. "Whats wrong? I don't know kaden" I snarled as he stopped in front of me i poked his chest. "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!! YOU ARROGANT JERK!!"

He still was confused. "what are you talking about?"


"you called me kaden..." He whispered. "Wh...y...? you always call me Kad.."

"Apparently I'm not the only one!!" i spat bitterly. "I Hate you. Kaden. why don't you just leave me alone? you can't stand to be near me around other people! am i some sort of an embarrassment? and WORST of all you told my SECRET! how you even knew i Don't know!! BUT I REALLY HATE YOU!!!"

He was staring at me shocked. He didn't know what to say obviously. "I..m not embarrassed to be around you... "

I raised my hand high and let it swing forward slapping him straight across the face.

"Kaden Iron you are a PLAYER! " I screamed and ran off.-






Hello Mr. Player [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now