Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Elisabete quickly noted the sour expression on Loki's face and she took his hand into hers. She kissed it softly and smiled up at him.

"He knows better than to upset you. He's learned." Elisabete spoke softly.

"He better." Loki huffed.

That night, Loki helped Elisabete pack their belongings for the tour. They laid in bed together and Elisabete was on her side, propped up on her elbow as Loki laid on his back, glancing up at her.

"What's on your mind, my love?" Loki asked as he took her hand in his.

She looked on as he played with her hand, caressing each finger and moving them about.

"I was wondering if I would get a ring." Elisabete replied.

Loki kept playing with her hand and looked up at her. She looked down at the mattress and he placed his finger under her chin and picked her head back up.

"Wait here." Loki whispered.

He rolled out of his bed and Elisabete watched as he went rummaging through his desk. She furrowed her brow as she sat up on the bed when he returned to the bed. He knelt down on the mattress and opened his hand to reveal a ring to her. The band was made of gold and coiled to resemble a tree branch. The diamond that was set on the top was surrounded by small, golden leaves. The diamond itself, although small, was stunning. She couldn't take her eyes off of it.

"When did you have this made?" Elisabete asked.

"I never had it made." Loki replied.

"What?" Elisabete inquired.

"It was my mother's," Loki told her. "She gave it to me to give to the woman I would marry."

She was about to speak when Loki put his finger to her lips. He took her hand in his and placed it on her hand, finding that it was a perfect fit for her nimble finger. She looked down at it and smiled brightly, blushing as she admired the ring. She giggled as she took Loki's face in her hands and kissed him sweetly.

"Thank you." She mumbled against his lips.

"It was my pleasure." Loki chuckled.

"I'm very excited for tomorrow." Elisabete beamed.

"I'm glad you are. You're going to make an outstanding queen." Loki spoke softly before laying a kiss to her lips.

Elisabete blushed and the two laid down in the bed as Loki held her hand up in the air while they gazed up at the ring. She began to laugh and Loki furrowed his brow as he turned his head to look at her.

"What's funny?" Loki asked.

"Nothing's funny. I'm just very happy right now. I love you with all my heart and I'm happy." Elisabete told Loki.

She continued to laugh as Loki put her hand down and turned onto his side to face her.

"If you don't stop that laughing, I won't be able to sleep tonight." Loki commented.

She giggled as he rolled on top of her and placed his hands on either side of her head. He leaned down and laid his head on hers as she still laughed.

"I think I know of some ways to quiet you down." Loki whispered.

Elisabete watched him as he moved down her body and she moaned softly as he licked up her sex to take her clit into his mouth and suck on it gently. He smirked against her as he watched her laughter subside to moaning.

The following morning, Loki, Elisabete, and her family got ready for the trip. Loki and Elisabete were in their own carriage while the rest of her family was following behind them. Beforehand, Elisabete made sure that Iona would keep her chambers tidy along with Loki's and that she would report back on anything said about her, whether it be positive or negative. The carriage ride in the beginning was a little bumpy and Elisabete felt dizzy from it. Loki quickly checked on her and waved it off.

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