The door to the crate was opened slowly but Akihito could not summon enough energy to fight or run, instead he layed on the floor like the pray he was. His pride that clung to him tried to make him scratch and bite the human but all the kitten could manage was a small hiss.

The human extended his hand and plucked the kitten from the cage by the scruff of his neck. Akihito did not fight the hand and instead danged limply in the humans grasp. The man stared into Akihito's eyes for a moment before his gaze settled on the blue handkerchief around the kitten's neck.

After a moment some energy spiked through the small kittens body. Akihito began to squirm in the man's grip but the hand just redoubled their grasp. The human never stopped looking at the blue fabric around Akihito's neck and this began to anger the kitten. The man caught him but then just left him to hang like some prize to be paraded around. One should not play with their pray and his mother always told him to kill them quickly. Did this human understand that just because Akihito was his caught pray did not mean he could gloat in his face about it.

Just as Akihito was about to attempt scratching the Chinese man the human placed the kitten softly on the desk. The hand gently held Akihito flat to the desk as the human picked up his phone and talked into it.

The kitten made no attempt at escaping. He had learned with Asami that as long as the human had a grip like this there was no escape let alone the room was sealed as well. A sense of hopelessness washed over him and left him in a dark mood.

After a few minutes of that strange language that Akihito did not understand it changed. Suddenly the human before him was speaking the language that he knew, "Asami, I believe I have something of yours." There was a small silence before Fei-Long continued, "Perfectly unharmed. In fact the little beast tried to scratch me a few times."

Akihito knew that on the other line Asami was speaking to Fei-Long but the kitten, even with his acute hearing, could not quite make out his words. "No, I do not think that that will be necessary, Asami. I believe we can look after this little 'Akihito' until you can arrive to retrieve him." More silence that seemed to drone on, "Very well. We will await your arrival."

The phone receiver was slammed down with such force that Akihito began to tremble in fear of being hit by the human. The hand over him applied even more pressure, causing Akihito to flatten his ears in distain. After a moment the hand loosened and Akihito was allowed to sit up.

Looking around at his surroundings he realized that he was no longer in his city. Outside of the window across from the kitten was a huge city with lights windows and peopel, just like Akihito's, but the kitten knew that it was not his city. The streets and buildings were not right, them emanated wrongness from their very core. His fur puffed out as the world seemed to have been swept out from under him.

Just as Akihito began to growl at his sudden lack of knowledge of his current location the door to the office opened. A boy about ten years old walked in. The boy held a tray with a cup of tea and his head was held at an almost impossible hight, like he was horribly proud to be delivering it to Fei-Long.

The smaller human stopped in front of the desk and stared at Akihito, almost as though he had never seen a kitten before. The room seemed chill for a moment before Akihito came up with an idea, sometimes a cute voice worked on Asami. That was rare to almost never but when it did work Akihito got what he wanted in moments and currently what he wanted was food.

A mew burst forth from Akihito as he padded toward the child. He tilted his head to the side softly and purred, almost begging for anything at this point. He did not want to be placed in that cold metal cage again so pride be damned.

Kitten Through The Window (Finder Series)Where stories live. Discover now