I could hear music blasting from inside of the building. Before I walk in, I wave to my grandma before she drives off.

I'd be lying right now if I said I wasn't nervous. There's still the element of surprise to keep in mind.

What if Jihoon brings someone else?

What if he doesn't like what I wore tonight?

WhAt if he became gay for that one kid Guanlin and chooses him over me?

Oh the possibilities.

I sighed deeply before pushing the door opened. As soon as I opened the door, the sounds and vibrations of the loud music attAcked me. I kind of wanted to walk back out for a moment-

Before I could go back out, Euiwoong made eye contact with me. He was standing around a food table with some other boys from my class: Hyungseop, Woojin, Haknyeon, and Donghan.

He gave me a bright smile before waving me over. I couldn't turn back now. I give him an awkward smile before waving a bit as I walked over.

"Arin! You wore white!" Euiwoongs says as I was nearing them.

"WhAT?" I yell, the music was too loud.

"YoU wOrE wHiTe!" Euiwoong screams.

"OHHHH, YES. YES I DID WEAR WHITE," I yell back. Hyungseop turns around in confusion and notices me. His eyes widen as he stares at my outfit, "OH! ARIN HELLO. YOU LOOK GOOD!" He yells. The rest of the boys turn around to look at me after Hyungseop leaves their conversation.

"OH HEY ARI-" Donghan begins. I cut him off because I couldn't handle yelling every sentence.

"OK HELLO DONGHAN, WOOJIN, HAKNYEON, AND HYUNGSEOP. GLAD TO SEE YOU NOW I GOTTA GO. HAVE A NICE NIGHT!" I say, turning to walk away. But I bump into someone about my size.

"OH HEY ARIN!" Yeri yells. Oh mY gOsh.

"HEY YERI. OKAY NOW BYE YERI," I yell back, patting her shoulder and giving it a squeeze before running off towards the bathrooms where I thought I'd find less sound. But nope. Not at all. I sighed as I leaned against the wall beside the bathrooms. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Meanwhile I can't even find the guy that asked me to the dance.

"Arin?" a voice shouted from beside me. It was audible enough for me to hear it. I quickly turned my head and my eyes widened as Jinyoung walked over to me. I quickly stood up straight, not leaning in the wall anymore.

"Oh, Jinyoung!" He looked good in his suit, but he always looked good. But for some odd reason, I felt nothing. I would usually mentally fangirl at the sight of Jinyoung, whether he was in a suit or not. But my mind wasn't fangirling today.

Jinyoung stepped in front of me and gave me a smile.

"You look good!" Jinyoung says. I smile back at him and thank him.

"You look good too!!" I say back, straining my voice. I'm getting real tired of screaming hdjgujhhg.

"I heard you came to the dance with Jihoon!" He yells. I look at him in surprise, "how'd you know?" I yell back. Jinyoung points at the back door of the gym.

"I live with him remember? He told me to tell you to meet him outside on the bleachers!" Jinyoung says. He puts his hands on my shoulders and turns me around before pushing me towards the door before I could respond.

He pushes open the door and pushes me out right after.

"Have fun!" He yells. I stood looking at the door with a dumb expression. My mind went blank for a bit as the loudness started to fade away as the door closed. My thoughts felt fuzzy as I let my brain adapt to the silence.

Then, I suddenly remembered why I was even out here. I turned around and scanned the bleachers with my eyes. A tall but not very tall- okay imma stop now sorry jihoon- figure sat at the top row.

I made my way over towards the bleachers and stopped right in front of it. Jihoon's head was down between his knees so he didn't notice me. I take off my heels before walking up the bleachers, so they wouldn't make any noise and so I don't fall. Sitting beside him, I clear my throat so he could notice that I was there. He shot straight up and gave me a surprised look.

"Arin you- why are you here?" he asks. Wait, what?

"What do you mean why am I here? Jinyoung said you told him to tell me to meet you here?" I say, confused.

"No I didn't?" what? I shake my head in confusion.

"What's going on Jihoon? I haven't seen you at all when I got to the dance- and when Jinyoung tells me my date to the dance wants to see me, my date doesn't seem like he actually wants to," I say, crossing my arms. Jihoon shakes his head.

"No, no! Of course I want to see you! It's just that... I planned something but kind of chickened out last minute and now I'm here," Jihoon says, disappointingly.

"Planned.. what?" I ask, kind of knowing where this was going.

"It's- Nothing..." Jihoon says, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. I frown and prepared to reel out whatever he was hiding.

"Fine. What a shame, here I was- ready for something good to happen on this dance," I say, crossing my arms. Jihoon's eyes widened as I said those words. I heard him clear his throat before speaking.

"Arin, how do you feel about me?" he asks. This time my eyes widened.

"Wh-what?" I ask, embarrassed. My hands drop to my lap.

"Well, I like you and I'm pretty sure you feel the same way. Truthfully... I was going to ask you out while we slow danced, but then had a mental breakdown when I realized I didn't know how- anyways yeah, the point is, I really want you to be my girlfriend. Please go out with me," Jihoon says, pulling out a single rose from the inside of his jacket and shyly handing it to me. I look at him in surprise as I took the rose. Letting everything sink into my brain, I felt a cage of butterflies being let loose in my stomach.

I started to recall everything that's happened to us so far this past month.

I sent Jihoon to detention for getting on my nerves.

Jihoon found out about me liking Jinyoung.

Jihoon helped me gain a hand holding skill so I could hold Jinyoung's hand after agreeing to meet up with me late at night.

Jihoon helped me take care of my Grandmother's animals.

Jihoon and I- kissed each other on the cheek...

Out argument, leading him up to an angry confession.

I had experienced so many things with him... It wouldn't hurt to experience more right?

"Okay," I say clearly, looking at Jihoon. Jihoon looks at me with surprise but then smiles widely at me.

"Really?" he asks happily. I smile back and nod. Suddenly, Jihoon engulfs me in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad I met you in detention," he says. I laugh lightly before replying, "me too."

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