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Geek : Hello guys its-

Licht : its the demon again and were reacting to something...

Geek : I hate you to licht jekylland todoroki

Licht : you have no right to use an angels full name!

Geek : anyways lets get on with it already...ready?

All : yes

Mahiru :

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Mahiru : .......

Misono : shirota...are you ok...What The!!

Mikuni : hehe its adorable right abel-chan!

Licht : neko-san and mahiru...its ok?

Tetsu : big bro...you ok

Mahiru * blushing * ya..im fine

Geek : so guys 1/10 what is your rating?

Mikuni : 8/10!

Misono : hmm..6/10

Licht : 6/10

Tetsu : 4/10 big bro doesnt look ok with it

Mahiru : ...no comment o///o

Geek : you have to vote mahiru

Mahiru :....5/10

Geek : well now that every one has voted-

Mikuni : abel-chan says good bye everyone!

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