Coffee Shop

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K, so this is a little different I think. Michael hasn't talked to Jeremy since the squip-cident and took up the base to get Jeremy off his mind, meanwhile Jeremy took up depression :). Angsty-ish maybe?

Michael's pov

I still can't believe I'm going to be playing base for my favourite coffee shop, plus Christine is going to be the pianist (a/n she's actually playing a keyboard I walk up to the glass doors when out of nowhere a girl about my height comes bounding up to me. "Hi! I'm Caroline, the drummer for the coffee shop! You must be Michael the bassist, it's so nice meeting you!" Every word she said seemed to be filled with more excitement than the last, and even though she's my age she seems so much younger. She has a certain innocence in her that you can't fake. "We do have some bad news though, the singer quit yesterday and we can't play without one. Can you sing and play? Christine told me you're an awesome singer!" I can, but I'm deathly afraid of singing in front of people.

"I-I-I uhh y-yeah b-"

"Great! You can chose the song because it's your first day, but don't pick anything too complicated. Me and Christine can pick out the beat of pretty much anything as long as it's not too complicated. Okay? Great!" I'm glad she didn't wait for a reply, right now I'm just too shaken up to do anything. After we walked in and met up with Christine I blurted out:

"Good for you."

"Um... What?" Christine and Caroline said in unison.

"That's the song I want to do." It's possibly the worst choice of song considering it was one of the songs I listened to on repeat during and after the squip-cident, I only told Christine how much it actually hurt and how much I hurt myself. Even now she looks at me questioningly, seeming to ask if I really wanted to do this. I gave her a slight nod before we walked onto the stage. I tried not to focus on the crowd, I was glad because there didn't seem to be too many people. I was hesitant to start but Christine whisper cheering me on from behind helped me start.

So you found a place where grass is greener

I heard my words as if I wasn't singing but as if I was in the crowd listening.

And you jumped the fence to the other side

Anger and sadness welled up inside me. How could the one person I cared about just abandon me?

Is it good? Are they giving you a world I could never provide?

I try and relax, realizing I'm playing with a lot more force than usual.

Well I hope you're proud of your big decision

Remember your friends, remember that there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

Yeah I hope it's everything you want and more

Time skip brought to you by me procrastinating

Before I know it we're finished and packing up our stuff.

"To congratulate ourselves we should get a coffee!" Christine snorted.

"Care, you've had enough coffee as it is."

"Have not!" Caroline, or Care as Christine called her, is pretty taken aback.

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