Old - The Stitches (Chapter 2)

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The Stitches (Chapter 2)

A week has passed since you've been entered to the hospital, you can speak now but your voice sounds odd. You're allowed to get up and walk around now, as you did you kept on trying to see how much you can see from a distance. When you told the nurses they tested your eyes and told you that 61% of your eyesight in your right eye is gone and 48% percent in your left eye.

You still stumble around the room, your body felt heavier than it did before you passed out on your way home. You pushed away the thought saying that it probably the medication they have been giving you for your pain. You slowly stumble your way to the bathroom

Looking at the mirror after you stripped, you tried looking at your back. Surprisingly you have no scars on your back, which you found rather odd. You shrugged it back and began removing the bandages from above and below your eyes.

There were stitches in order to keep your skin from splitting open again. You went to close the door. As you were closing the door you felt something rush by you as if trying to get out before you closed the door.

This has been happening off and on again for the past week, you were beginning feel as if either this room was haunted or something was haunting you.

As another week passed you were used to your weakend eyes and you could have the bandages off, you still had to becareful though.

You eventually get your clothes back from the nurse and change into them. After grabbing you belongings that were with you when you were "attacked". You carefully go down to the lobby to check out.

---time skip another week---

You finally came back home from work, smiling to yourself you sit down on the couch to watch TV.

The stitching on your head finally healed but scars extended from above your right eye and scar below your left that extended to your mouth.

You rubbed the scar above your right eye feeling where they glued the hones together and the toughness of the skin. Following the crack up your skull to the split in the crack until it stopped on the top of your head. You frown.

After a couple more minutes feeling the cracks in your skull you get up to get something to eat. You find your favorite snack, once you finished eating it you go back to your room to go to sleep.

You didn't want to, but you have to...





Yet darker and colder....

You let it consume you as you felt the slime start to roll down your face.

You've been having this dream since you woke up from the hospital and you git used to the slime rolling down your face like tears... Wiping it away would only cause pain to your arms so you just float in the darkness if this dream letting the black slime come.

You thought that this dream was going to be the same as the rest but... You were wrong

"✋ 💧☜☜ ❄☟✌❄ ✡⚐🕆 ☟✌✞☜ ☝✋✞☜☠ 🕆🏱📪 ☟⚐🕈 🕆☠☞⚐☼❄🕆☠✌❄☜..."

A/N: sorry guys it took so long, I've been kinda busy lately do I guess I kinda decided to start this at the wrong time.... Heh heh... Anyways here's the next chapter sorry again I'll also try to crest a schedule for myself (*'>д<) bye!

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