chapter 4: Reuniting With The Past

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A few more minutes past then an old looking turtle walked in to the room. At first he didn't notice me but when I stepped closer i caught his attention. " Oh! Hello there miss! How Might I Help You Today?" i smiled softly at his kindness, not so many monsters down here now a days are that friendly with humans. i cleared my throat and stood up as straight as i could. " yes sir, um, i was wondering if you could tell me where the leader of the royal guard is?" He thought for a bit, he had his hand on his chin moving up and down while he looked up at the ceiling slightly. " Can't say that i have seen him around here but last i heard he was headed to snowdin." my heart skipped a beat, i was just there how did i miss him that easily. maybe he thought i would take the roads behind the path. i bowed slightly to him before i turned around and left. " thank you sir". " no worries princess" 

it wasn't long before i finally reached the out skirts of snowdin, of course i did use the back roads my father used when i was growing up. snowdin was not that hard to find due to it's cold area and snow all over the place. hopefully papyrus is here, or at least some where close by. before i went off the path i threw my hood up over my head. making my way in to the town i noticed a few familiar faces. some from my child hood others i have seen in the royal guard.  " so any signs of the rebels...or the princess?".  i stopped in my tracks, their still looking for me? ' why would they still be looking for me, i thought i was dead' 

let me explain, years earlier when i was about 15 years old my father gave out a speech that i was no longer alive, they found my soul flouting around in waterfall. it wasn't mine but i guess another human with a kindness soul fell down here and died tragically i guess, i just went with it and carried on in life. years later i guess a guard spotted me and reported to my father that i was still alive i guess. so now not only do i have to worry about the rebels catching me to take me back to mom now i have to worry about my dad's royal guard looking for me too, geez. But right i need to focus on finding papyrus.  I wonder if he still lives at that old house just off of the edge of waterfall, i'll try there first then if he's not there anymore i'll start asking people where he might of moved too but i highly doubt he would leave the house he grew up in, we did have a lot of memories there. Plus that house has to much value for him to move out so, that's where i'm heading. before i did anything i jumped in to a path filled with bushes to hide from the two guards that were passing by. As they did i got a quick glance of who they were. ' Oh geez, it Timmy and tad' the two dog guards on the force. I ducked down more in the bush hiding myself more, paying that these two don't find me.  with luck on my side neither of them spotted me from where i was hiding. giving out a relived sigh and making sure i was safe, i slowly crept out of my hiding spot then ran as fast as i could down the road. i really should start paying attention more, but i have a good reason why i was looking around instead of being aware of what was in front of me. alas, my luck ran out and i smacked right in to someone while i was just literally ( don't ask me how i knew this) one FT away from papy's home. i was so close and i blew it. 

" My Apologies Young Monster, Are You Alright? " a familiar deep voice said.  my heart stopped immediately, I recognized that voice any where. It was my father.keeping my head down i stood back to my feet again and nodded quickly. it had been so long since i last saw him, i think i was 12 when we last saw one another.  still having my head down i noticed that he was on his feet as well, he still towered over me. come to think of it i think all of them tower over but that didn't really bother me as much because i knew they wouldn't hurt me, but it still made me nervous to be around them. Not wasting anymore time i gave him a small bow before turning around and leaving. " Wait". i stopped, my heart pounding in my  chest. Thoughts racing in and out of my mind. ' did he figure out who i was?' what ever it was i turned back to him and waited. waited for him to take me back to the kingdom and back locked in that feakin tower, but nothing happened. all he was doing was holding something in his paw out to me. " You Dropped Your Locket," he frowned a little when he looked at it. " Funny, My Daughter Had This Same Locket, Where Did You Find This?" i didn't say anything of course, all i did was point towards where waterfall was. " In Waterfall " 

' no that will blow my hiding spot' i shook my head and kept pointing. 

" In The Hotlands?" 

i nodded, he seemed pretty happy that i nodded my head. he gave back the locket and we said our good bye's. " Thank You So Much" nodded once more we both turned from each other and went out separate ways. before we were both out of hearing distance i couldn't help to hear him mumble ' Im Coming Princess ' under his breath. to be honest, I feel regret for what i have done, i do miss spending time with him in the castle but i really couldn't spend the rest of my life locked in a tower for ever. sighing i went on with my quest on finding my one and only true love. when i reached his house i was really hesitant at first, will he still be here or will he be gone. i took a deep breath then i left three heavy knocks on the front door. nobody answered, sighing sadly i turned around to leave but as soon as i got to the last step the door opened and a that familiar figure stood in the doorway. 

' papy?'

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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