chapter 1: Sweet Memories.

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Katie's pov

Life out here was great. I have shelter food and water.  Everything that i need to keep me alive and living. My name is katie. Im a human living on my own in a world filled with monsters. I have long cream colored hair and bright green eyes. Im extremely short and shy. I don't know who to trust because one im a human and two my papa is out looking for me. It has been a few months since i left my former home and began life out here. I grabbed everything that i could. My bunny. Extra cloths. My ribbons, and finally my heart locket. You see im a lost princess of the underground. When i fell down here asgore and toriel took me in as their own child. I then met my two older siblings, chara and asriel. They were much older then me at the time but they were still great siblings. Asriel and chara. I missed them so much. I was in devastation when they both died. I look back at our memories though. I can't help but smile when i do. I sighed as i reached my home that i had made. Going inside i went over to my bed and sat down there. I took off my cloak  and set it next to me. Going in to my bag and pulled out my stuffed rabbit. ' i remember that day chara took my bunny and held it above me in attempts to tease me of my height level.

Chara's memory

" come on chara! That's not fair!".

" heheh what's not fair Katie?". He held my stuffed bunny above my head while i was jumping up to reach it. I gave a small pout and kept jumping for it. " you! You aren't fair! I want my bunny give her back!". " not until you say please!". He cooed at me while pushing me back with one hand. I pouted more and kept reaching. " please gimme back my bunny!". " hmmm....heh ok". He said giving me back my pink stuffed rabbit. I took it from him and held it close to my chest still pouting at him. He only chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. " come on katie you know i was only kidding with ya". " yeah i know." he knelt down to my height and smiled at me. " hey, whose the cutest girl i know?". I smiled a little and looked away. " i am.". I mumbled. " that's right! You are the cutest sweetest little sister i know!". He said picking me up while swinging me in circles. I squealed with laughter as he did. After that he set me back down and poked my nose. " tag your it!". He said before running off down the big hallway of the castle. I giggled before running after him. My long puffy blue dress swaying across my legs softly. It was a little hard not to trip in them but i got use to it and kept running after him.  We laughed and giggled as we ran around the whole castle. Everything was great until my dress got caught under my feet making me trip over it and fall on to the ground. I heard chara's feet stop, slight shuffling as he ran back towards me. I sat up on to my hands as tears filled my eyes. He knelt down to my height and pulled me in to a hug. " hey hey hey it's ok's ok. Your fine.". I sniffled as i hugged him back. He kept shushing me and saying sweet things to me. Once i finally calmed down we parted the hug and looked at each other. " where does it hurt?". I pointed to my head as he leaned down and kissed my forehead softly. I smiled at him. He smiled back and ruffled my hair. " there's that sweet smile. Now shall we go get some chocolate?". I got up and jumped around with excitement. " yeah yeah yeah!". He chuckled and stood to his feet. He then grabbed my hand and we made our way to the kitchen to have our chocolate.

I smiled down at the rabbit before hugging it close to my chest tightly. I've had so many memories with this i can't keep count. Sighing once more i set it on my bed and looked in my bag more. This time i pulled out two small blue ribbons. ' i remember these. This was the time me and asriel went out to get a few things for mom and i saw these but we didn't have enough to get them so he got them for me on my birthday.

Asriels memory

" thank you, here's your change.".

" thank you miss, come on Katie time to go home.".  My brother said to me. I nodded and took his hand and we went back on the road. We passed by a store with a lot of pretty clothes and stuff but what caught my eyes the most were two little ribbons colored in a light blue. Letting go of my brothers hand and pressed my face to the glass, admiring them. I felt my brother's hand on my hand as he smiled at me. " hehe what are you looking at katie?". I looked up at him and pointed. " Asriel. Do we have enough for those?". I asked. He leaned in and looked through the glass. His face went in a serious look and he sighed. " im afraid not katie. But of your a good girl then maybe you'll get them one day.". My eyes sparkled as i looked up at him. " do you think Santa might bring them to me for Christmas?". He chuckled and ruffled my hair softly. " maybe. Come on. We need to get home before the butter and ice cream melt.". I nodded and held on to his hand again. The next few months went by after that day. I became more and more excited because my birthday was coming up in a few days. Three days before my birthday. I squealed with excitement. Me my mother and asriel were out at the dress store picking out my birthday dress. I looked around the store at my choices. My finally two decisions were a pink gown and a blue gown. Both were the same type but different colors. I narrowed my eyes and i finally pick it out. I chose the blue one. It smiled at myself as i spun around watching it flutter. " i love it so much. Thank you mama!".
She smiled and rubbed my head lovingly. " your welcome my child.". Two days before my birthday. I ran around the house looking for a place to hide. Right now me and my brothers are playing hide and seek at the moment. I finally found a spot in the kitchen. Under the table. It was perfect seeing how the cloth draped over the sides all the way to the floor. I kept my hands over my mouth, silencing my giggles. I hid while my brothers tried to find me. I heard their voices call out to me in a attempt to get me out of my hiding spot. I smiled and stayed where i was. I heard soft footsteps walk in to the kitchen. I instantly knew it was asriel. I heard him chuckling as he walked around. Opening up cabinets and drawers. " hmm...only place i haven't check was...". A long pause before the cloth to the table went up and i saw him grinning at me brightly. " Under the Table!" he cheered reaching out to grab me. I squealed and tried to crawl away from him but he caught my leg and pulled me out and started to tickle me. I giggled and squirmed as he did so. Trying to escape his grasp. " noo nonono s...s.stop mercy! Mercy!". He laughed and finally let me go. " children! Time for bed!". I heard my mother call. We both smiled at each other as we got to out feet and ran to out room. One day before my birthday. I was soo excited. Tomorrow was my birthday. Today my family and i are going out well. Mostly my mother and father out on business again. They usually left us at the royal scientist's house. I think his name was gaster. He has some kids two, he had two boys. Sans and papyrus i think. It was a lot of fun playing with them. I grew more excited as we got to their front door. My father gave the door a few hard knocks and we stood for a few seconds before it opened reveling mr gaster. He was wearing a black turtle neck and grey sweats. He smiled at my father and spoke. " hello sire. Is there anything i can help you with?". He asked softly. " yes actually." my father started and he pulled asriel and chara out in front of him. I stayed hidden behind him though. I may have been over at sans and papyrus before but i never really got to know their dad. "I need you to watch my children while me and my wife go out on some business.". He explained. Mr. Gaster smiled down at them and motioned them to go inside. " sans and papyrus are already inside, you two go on and play.". They both nodded and ran inside. Mr gaster chuckled and looked back at my father. " where's the little one?". My father smiled and looked down at me happily. " she's right here. Katie. Would you like to go inside and play with the other children?". I poked my head out a little and looked up at him then at mr gaster who was bending down to my height smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded. He chuckled and held his hand out to me. " come on in then, we were just about to start supper.". " mhm." i hummed before hugging my parents then grabbing on to mr gasters hand. I waved my parents goodbye and we headed inside. As soon as we got inside someone tackle hugged me to the floor. " Katie! Im So Happy Your Here!". I giggled and hugged back. It was papyrus, my best friend. His eyes sparkled in awe. I smiled at him. " of course i came. Why wouldn't i?". He shrugged and stood to his feet. He helped me up on to mine and then he dragged me up to his room which was filled with all sorts of toys and action figures. I always get so excited when i see papyrus room. He always has something new to show me. This time he had a new action figure. " whooo! So cool!". "I Know Right! He's The Proud Savior Of His Own Kind!". I giggled when he made a pose then said in the most highest voice. " Save me my hero!". He got to his feet and posed more as he cheered out in a heroic voice. " I Will Save You My Princess!".

My birthday.

Today was the day. Today is my birthday. I was the first one to wake up on that day. I ran straight to mom and dads room and burst through their door happily. " mama! Papa! Wake up today's the day!". I said getting on their bed bouncing slightly. My mom sat up in her bed and smiled at me. " oh? What day might that be?". I giggled and hugged her. " silly its my birthday!". She chuckled and rubbed my hair. " i know my child." she looked over at my dad who was still sleeping. We both giggled as i got on my feet. She held on to my hand when i stood up so i wouldn't fall off. I then took a deep breath and screamed out while jumping on the bed. " WAKE UP DADDY!". He jumped up with a jolt and looked around. He soon calmed down and smiled at my excited form jumping up and down. " *chuckles* good morning my princess. How are you today?" i smiled and hugged him tightly. He laughed and hugged me back before standing out of his bed and set me on his shoulder. I grabbed on to his horns so i didn't fall off. " im super duper excited!". He smiled. " im sure you are my darling. Happy birthday princess.". He said as we walked in to the kitchen. My eyes sparkled at the sight. It was filled with balloons and streamers. While decorative plates and cups sat on the table. My eyes sparkled as i hugged him slightly. " thank you papa!". He chuckled. " your welcome my princess".

Later that day.

Everything was perfect. I had cake and ice cream all sorts. We played games and with toys. It was so much fun. I got a new outfit from mama. A princess gown i think. Some chocolate from chara. Papa gave me a new tiara and asriel gave me a blue scarf. They were all so lovely. But i never got the ribbons. Oh well i'll wait till Christmas.


I layed in my bed and snuggled my bunny. I loved today. It was beautiful. I was about to fall asleep until my door opened and my brother asriel walked in with a small blue box. He set it on my dresser and kissed my forehead softly. " happy birthday katie. I hope you had a good day today". He whispered before walking out of my room. I sat up in my bed and took the present off the desk and set it in my lap. I carefully undid the bow on top and then opened it. I gasped and smiled at what was inside. Two light blue bows. I giggled and set the box to the side and then fell asleep. " thank you azzy.".

End of memory

My thought were ripped away from me when i heard rustling outside of my door. I quickly put everything away and hid under in to my secret spot. I made for situations like this, if someone found this place i would run out in my tunnel way that lead all the way to waterfall. It took me a few weeks to sort it out but i finally got it done. Before i ran through i grabbed my cloak put it on and then ran down through the tunnel.

Before i got to the end of my tunnel i quickly pulled my hood over my head. So no one would know that i was human. I took a deep breath before pushing the leaves out a little checking to see if the coast was clear. Seeing that it was i lifted my self out of the hole then got to my feet. I put the leaves back on to the hole then ran out to the path of waterfall. It was nice to be here again. The sound of rushing water, rustling of leaves. Then there's the echo flowers those were my favorite.

As i made my way down the path i couldn't help but to notice that i was being followed. I kept checking behind me to make sure i was safe. But at a certain point i got so panicky that i began to start running. As soon as i did i heard heavy footsteps follow behind me which only made me go faster. Again my dress caught under my feet and i tripped over. I let out a scream as i fell in to the freezing cold water. I thrashed my arms around in attempts to keep my head over water. " some body help me!". I screamed out. I went back under again and began to kick my legs and move my arms. I was a better swimmer underwater then above. I swam back up to get a breath of air then went back down and swam more. I kept this going until i couldn't take it anymore so i started to move towards the side more. I crawled out on to the shore of the river. I coughed a little before crawling up in to the bushes in front of me. " WHOSE THERE?". A voice shouted out. I immediately went quiet and stopped my movements. I can't get caught. Not now not ever. I heard footsteps then rustling of the bushes. " I KNOW YOUR OUT HERE! SHOW YOUR SELF!".  I began to crawl away from the voice, in hopes i was able to get away i felt someone grab my ankle and pull me up in the air. I let out a scream and began to thrash around. " let me go! Let me go!". Once i was able to see who was holding on to me. My eyes widened in fear at who had me hostage.

My best friend.

Word count 2800

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