Chapter Two

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  "Cresent, I'm so sorry. I love you, and so does your father. Please forgive us."

  Cresent shot out from under his covers and collided with fleshy mounds. He looked up and saw Mal. He backed away and looked back at her. "What do you want?" He spoke curiously. She gave him a deadpanned stare and spoke the word he feared the most "School". Cresent bolted out the door in only black cargo shorts running through the dorm area with Mal behind him.

  This was a usual occurrence back in the Isle, Mal woke him up and said the word, and he ran from it. This day was different because one, his face slammed into her boobs, two, he was still tired from the failed hiest last night, and three, she caught him in the middle of the dorm area with the female population swooning over his naked torso and the male population eyeing Mal in her sleeping wear a.k.a a purple spagetti​ strap tank top and leaf green cut Jean shorts that stopped at the middle of her thighs. Cresent noticed this and blasted godlike killer intent that made the male populace fall to their knees in fear. With his point across, Cresent let up in the K.I before he grabbed Mal by her wrist, gently, and walked back to his room/dorm.

  Back at the dorm, Cresent walked to his wardrobe for an outfit while Mal waited on the other side of the changing wall. Cresent walked out in black jeans with red chains that pulsed with rage and malicious intent, his converse and no shirt, broadcasting his developed and ripped muscles and eight-pack. Mal looked at him with a deadpanned expression while trying to conceal her blush which went 'unnoticed' by her adopted brother. Cresent concealed a smirk while walking to his wardrobe again and picked out a black tank top, a purple shirt with a black cresent moon on it, and his zipper hoodie and leather jacket. He grabbed his beanie, phone, headphones, ring and the stuff he found at the museum inside a scroll along with his Katana and book before following Mal to her room and waiting outside while she got dressed. Apparently their friends were already at the first class waiting for them to show up. Mal walked out in her usual outfit before they walked to their assigned class.


Class for Cresent sucked. Girls oogled at him while boys sent him looked of jealousy or fear. The teachers gave him a hard time because he was a villain. The only class that he looked forward to was the class that Fairy Godmother taught and only because Mal and his friends were there. After that was Turney aka a sport that he destroyed in.

  The game started simple, Carlos, Jay, Ben and Cresent versus the rest of the team aka Chad and three others. It was fine until Chad threw his stick at Cresent for winning the game with the most points. Cresent was about to catch it but a wall of sand surrounded him, blocking the attack and making it fly back at Chad who caught it. The whole team was awestruck and the coach was furious that Chad attack a student out of anger.

  See the coach didn't care if you were the son or daughter of a hero or a villain, as long as you contributed to the team then he was chill. He didn't like the hero's using their parents name or royal status to get whatever they want. For example, Chad used his name as Cinderella's son to bully Doug, son of Dopey into doing stuff for him like homework. That being said, Coach suspended Chad from the team for three days as rulebook states. Meanwhile Cresent wondered how that happened. That never happened to him. He looked at his scroll that lightly glowed a Sandy color and showed a mirage that was visible only to him of a man with red hair, a tattoo for love in kanji over his left eye, and a Gourd of sand that he collected *cough cough stole cough cough* from the museum winking at him before disappearing. Cresent blink before shrugging and walking to his room to investigate further.

Later that day, Mal and her friends were found trying to get Cresent to open his door. On the inside of the room, Cresent was studying the items he took from the museum that he didn't tell his friends about. He was curious about what happened earlier so he took a closer look on all of his stuff, which was a lot. This was the list of things he took from the room aka everything.

Banana Palm Fan (Banshōsen)
Crimson Gourd (Benihisago)
Amber Purifying Pot (Kohaku no Johei)
Seven Star Sword (Shichiseiken)
Golden Rope Canopy (kōkinjō)
Yasakani Sacred Jewel (Yasakani no Magatama)
Sword of the Thunder God (Raijin no Ken)
The Kiba Blades
Gaara's Gourd
Puppets of Kankuro
Temari's Three Moon Fan
Sasori's puppet's
Itachi's Mangekyou Eyes and Susano'o weapons (Yatta Mirror and Sword of Sealing)
Kakuzu's black threading ability
Hidan's Three bladed scythe and Jashin ritual stuff 
Deidara's explosive clay
Pein's black chakra rods
Konan's Origami Ability
Tobi/Obito's mask's and Mangekyou eyes
White Zetsu's material
Black Zetsu (in black living blob form)
Akatsuki cloaks and rings
Danzo Shimura's Sharingan Arm
Shisui's Mangekyou eyes
Kakashi's White Chakra Sabre
Gai's Taijutsu and Chakra Gates abilities
Kurenia's Genjutsu abilities
Asuma's Trench Knives
Hiruzen Sarutobi's God of Shinobi abilities
Minato Namikaze's Hirashin Kunia and  God of Shinobi abilities
Kushina Uzumaki's Chakra Chains
Mito Uzumaki's Fuinjutsu abilities 
Tobirama Senju's God of Shinobi abilities
Hashirama Senju's God of Shinobi abilities
Madara Uchiha's EMS, Gunbai, and abilities
Izuna Uchiha's abilities and Mangekyou
Konoha Forbidden Scroll
Lee's abilities
Tenten's abilities 
Neji's abilities and Byakugan
Hinata's abilities and Byakugan
Kiba's abilities
Shino's abilities 
Ino's mind abilities
Chōji's abilities
Shikamaru's abilities and smarts
Sakura's strength and healing
Naruto's abilities
Sasuke's abilities and EMS and Rinnegan and sword
Kumo's Forbidden Scroll
Kumo's Black  Lightning ability
Raikage's strength and abilities
Suna's Forbidden Scroll
Kazekage's abilities
Kiri's Forbidden Scroll
Mizukage's abilities
Iwa's Forbidden Scroll
Tsuchikage's abilities
Rikudou Sennin's abilities
Asura Osutsuki's abilities
Indra Osutsuki's abilities and eyes
Hamura Osutsuki's eyes and abilities
Toneri Osutsuki's eyes and abilities
Kaguya Osutsuki's eyes and abilities
The Shinju's fruit
All bloodline abilities
The Hokage, Raikage, Mizukage, Tsuchikage, and Kazekage robes and hats
Shukaku's Sand Shield and Spear
Matatabi's Hellflame Daggers
Isobu's Corral Shield
Son Goku's Strength Gloves
Kokuo's Speed Boots
Saiken's Bubble Shield
Chomei's Flight
Gyuki's Tentacles and ink
Kurama's Chakra shield and tails
Juubi's Sword and eye/form
Suigetsu's water ability
Karin's healing ability
Jugo's Senjutsu ability 
Sai's ink ability
Jiraiya's Senjutsu and Ninjutsu abilities
Tsunade's strength and healing ability
Orochimaru's Kusanagi and abilities

The abilities came in an unbreakable box that was actually their soul. Quite interesting. The Shinju fruit was in an unbreakable glass box. Weapons were put into a sealing scroll for usage.

Cresent was able to seal stuff. No one knows how but he can. All of the stuff is always on him then. That was why he never brought a backpack. He had a sealing array on his palms for quick access in case of a fight.

Cresent sealing away the weapons and stuff before opening the door. Only Mal was there by now.l so he presumed that the others got bored waiting. Cresent allowed her in and she sat on his bed. He looked at her oddly. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded and spoke "We need to find another way to get that wand. Our parents would be furious with us if we didn't." She then looked at him "What was in that package that you got?" Cresent walked to his desk and grabbed the still wrapped present before walking back to her. She looked at him expectantly so he hid a smirk while he slowly opened it, knowing she would get impatient.

"Just open it already." She demanded. Cresent chuckled and finished opening it to reveal a box with a cresent moon on it. He lifted the top to reveal a scarf that had chibi Tailed beasts on it. Mal blinked and Cresent just stared. Slowly a small smile appeared on his face before he put it on. He looked at Mal to see her reaction and she smiled lightly. Cresent looked at the time to see it was passed curfew so he ushered her out and closed his door before doing what he wanted to do, take the souls and merge them with his own.

He drew a circle and put candles down in the compass corners before he put a star in the circle and drew an eye. The pentagram summoned the Shinigami to fuse the souls he had with his own. The Shinigami appeared before everything went black.

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