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the blonde girl became all kinds of impatient. she glares at the clock, eyeing it as it moved slow as ever. she felt as if she was about to explode.

but at the same time, she was very nervous. this canon person could be anybody. so many ideas had crossed her mind.

it could've been one of her friends playing a prank on her. she already prepared a mental speech if canon was one of her friends playing a trick on her.

it ached her mind; giovanni has never been so impatient in her entire life.

and finally it was time, fifth period came around quick. she politely asks to go to the bathroom, to which the teacher agrees.

she speed walks down the hall and sprints to the track field. nobody was there. she plays the waiting game for another seven minutes tops before the curly chocolate brown hair boy makes his way over.

he watches as she paces, whispering to her. "h-hey." he spoke, making the blonde girl gasp and jump, facing him. her eyes scanned him; pale, lanky, and tall, bluish grey eyes, and dark brown curly hair.

her colored eyes go wide, "canon?"

the outcast nods awkwardly, his whole body quivering. giovanni's feet were frozen to the ground, her lips slightly parted. "t-tyler?"

he nods once again, this time, his head quivering from the nervousness. "i-i know you're disappointed. i knew you would be. but it's okay... i know you don't like me back. but just know that you're the most gorgeous person i've ever laid eyes on, you have this... interesting mind i just want to get know better. and you're so funny, and being around you should make anybody's day better. you have the brightest smile, you've got the prettiest eyes, you've got the biggest heart. and i just..."

tyler has been blabbing on and on, he doesn't even know the smile growing on giovanni's peachy face.

"i'm in love with you! okay? and i know i won't get to have you but it was amazing getting to know you. getting to know the side of you that not a whole lot of people know about and-" tyler had been cut off by a set of lips colliding with his.

he couldn't believe his... well he couldn't believe it.

he was kissing the girl he fell in love with. and she kissed him first. gio continues the kiss, smiling in the midst of it. she could feel the heavy beating of tyler's heart. his hands found their way to giovanni's waist, squeezing softly.

she finally pulls away, giggling, leaving tyler baffled.

"wh-what was that for?" he questions, a shiver in his voice.

"i told you i wouldn't judge you." she told him in a soft voice, throwing her arms over his shoulders and locking them at the wrists.

"you're still the same guy i talked to. and i'm still the same girl. and i got to know you a whole lot better. i got to know another side of tyler down people don't know about." the blonde smiled, making tyler's face burn completely. "s-so, you like me too?"

"yes! yes, i do," she pushes his curly brown hair back, "now let's do this the right way, canon." the name he gave him made him chuckle. "let me take you to rosie's. on a date. the right way."

"really? y-you mean it?"

giovanni nods her head, excitedly. "yes, tyler down. i mean it." she pecks his lips one last time.

all he did was smile, "yes! yes, i'll go on a date with you. rosie's."

"on friday. at seven, i'll pick you up."

tyler, overexcited, picks giovanni up off her feet, wrapping his slim arms around her waist and spun around. "yes!" he cheers, causing giovanni to giggle and scream.

this is all i ever wanted, tyler thought to himself.

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