The Legend of The Lioness

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A legend goes that the world was once under the rule of a great evil. A demon from a parallel world came to our realm and saw the life our world had to offer. It saw darkness and hatred. And so it fed, consuming all it could find. Then it raised more of its own and brought terror upon our world. It spread darkness to the worse places of the world. Humans feared it and started to obey it. Seven from the demon's world came to stop it. But they were easily corrupted. One with a voice of sweet honey was driven insane. Another was killed by the force it controlled. Two died in each others arms, killed by the demon itself. With three remaining, the demon dared to go darker.

It drove the eldest mad, setting it on the other two. The eldest killed the second, who died protecting the youngest. The demon watched gleefully as the last kill would made and the eldest would awake, only to see the death he caused. It would force him to take his own life. It was the perfect plan. The demon forced the two into an arena, inviting all his kin to attend. As the crowds jeered and laughed at the terror of the youngest, she started to fight back.

The demon started to panic as the young one started to cry, the earth rising and falling with her. The eldest woke from the madness, sobbing in horror as the death settled. Instead of killing him like the demon though she would, the youngest hugged him, crying together. Then the demon made his first mistake.

He ordered his archers to strike them down. One arrow hit the eldest, killing him instantly. More arrows fell, but the young one screamed in fury, causing the earth to rise to her. As she sat silently, the earth lay still, like a throne. And she spoke the words that the world will remember only in their worst nightmares. 

" Never take a lioness' pride away from her, because that shall be the last thing you do"

She smiled evilly and screamed so loud it was heard all over. The earth below her fell, causing the arena to fall into an abyss that no one knew existed, now know as the Marina Trench. As the demon fell, it only saw her face and it cursed her. 

It cursed Rhea Revel to wait until the next great age to fall in love. To find a family. 

To ever find peace.

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