This Ghostly World

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Chapter Four

Haily's POV

I heard Kat crying in the other room...wait Clay's room? I quietly put my ear to the door, but doesn't mean my grandma is a silent ghost, and I can see them, doesn't mean I'm that quiet, I guess thats something I've gotta learn. Clay flung open the door and I fell right on my face. Totaly embarassing may I add. I quickly stummbled to my feet and ran for my room. Well tried to run, Clay pulled me in before I could get anywhere. I stood in front of Kat and Clay trembling.

"I didn't hear anything...I swear!!" I could feel the tears threatning to bust out from underneath my eyes. I stood my ground and stood strong. I am fourteen now, I can't cry anymore. I'm a teenager. If I expect to be treated so, I need to act like one. Suddenly Clay started laughing. Kat was glaring at him but soon began to giggle herself. Now, I knew siblings were supposed to be mean, but this was appaling. Im pretty sure my mouth just looked like a gi-freakin-normus O. How could I tell? They laughed even harder. I surprised myself, by not crying, but by waiting patiently to be done.

"Are you two done laughing? Beacuse I would love to know WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!" and of course they laughed even harder. So I walked out of the room. I couldn't sit there all morning listening to them laughing. I had a movie to go see with my friends! I quickly jumped up and ran to get a towel I was in desperate need of a shower. I took it at lightning speed and was out in fifteen minuets! I can't lie I'm so proud of myself! I coveredmyself in the towel and ran to my room, I need to hurry up! Jessica will be here any minuet! I grabbed my grey v-neck, and a pair of skinny jeans, just wearing something casual. I ran to the bathroom to blow dry my hair and Grandma was sitting on the counter, with her legs crossed as if she was a little girl. I just crossed my arms and cocked my eyebrow. She quickly hopped off and came over to me.

"If were being honest here...your hair is a mess! You know what? You should blow dry it then curl it. I always loved your hair when it was curly! NOt so much when you used that sraightening stick!" I dont remember Grandma ever being this critical.

"You like my hair curly? Well I hate to break it to you but I never straightened my hair." I narrowed my eyes, adn she turned into a twelve year old was my cousin she died in a car wreck a few years ago. Man this whole ghost seeing thing was going to get to me! I felt like I was going to cry again. BUt I stayed strong and proceded to talk to her.

"you only saw me with curly hair once and I was five." She shruged her sholders.

"So? you still looked gorgeous!" She was a year older than me. Well not now anyway. You see, this is how it works, the age you are when you die is the age you stay after death, so she will forever look like a twelve year old, yet be fifteen. It truly was sad to see her at age twelve. I wish I could see what she looks like as she gets older. She answered me by making herself look fifteen, age progresion is easy for ghosts.

"Oh my gosh" I felt out of breath I never thought I would see her that old.

"myeah, not what I expected...I think I'll stay twelve and skinny!" That was her mentality, thats just how she was.

"ok well you need to leave, so I can get ready."

"Awwwwh! Can I come back later?"

"of course you can" I couldn't help but smile. She wanted to be with me! She said okay and left. THen I finished getting ready to go to the movies

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