This Ghostly World

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chapter three

Clay's POV

I'll admit, she looked pretty pissed off. I think she's jelous about the fact that our Father didn't stick around and care for us as Haily's Father did. And yes Kat and I have different father but the same mother, so that makes us half brothers and sisters. Jacob is nice and all, but there is nothing like the comfort of your own Father, if you know what I mean. I was five and Kat was two, so he pretty much raised us as his own, which is very kind of him. Me and Kat just recently got in touch with our own Father, he didn't even remember our names but we worked with what we had.

I grabbed Kat by her elbow and dragged her into the nearest room. She of coourse the proceded to shout at me, and I shouted back...I don't exactly remeber all that was said, I just remember we decided to tell Mom and Jacob about our super natural powers. I could tell she didnt think this was going to be fun. And of course it wasn't, but it was her idea so this better work. Anyway, we were going to tell them everything, when it happened, how it happend, who dillivered our powers, and then explain again because we both know they won't understand the first time we explain. I'll be honest and say I don't know how they will react. I have never lied to Mom or Jacob, but this was different.

 Wasn't it? I mean this...THIS was for their own good. If its for someones well being its not bad! The next morning I woke up to scary looking Kat in the corner of my room balled up and rocking on her butt. She looked hideous! Her hair looked like a rat's nest her PJ's were in a complete disarae  and her makeup was smearded from...CRYING!? No...this is Kat were talking about, the toughest girl, or toughest person I should say, in the family. I was quickly trying to figure out what to do. Hugging her would be ackward, just standing above her would be creepy. So I walked over and just sat next to her in silence for ten minuets. Finaly she turned to me and said something that shocks me still to this day. "Our Dad did Mom, Dad didn't leave us, Mom sent him away so he wouldn't get hurt...they both knew, Dad didn't leave us....he didn't leave us..."

I grabbed her in for a hug


Ehhhhh? wad'ya think? sorry its so short (like all my other chapters) and sorry it took so long, I have a girls mine not a dude' s lol so if there are any errors let me know give pictures, comments....VOOOOOOOOOOOOOTES!!! *wink wink*

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