Chapter 10

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Kelsey's POV

Jc came and picked me up then we went to go and get some frozen yougurt.

We both got Cookies and Cream, on the way home jc was singing and i loved listening to him

"What" jc asked

"Nothing just listening to you sing" i said

"Okay" Jc said

20 minutes later we got home and everyones car was here

Aka Kian and all of them, Mom

"Where have you been" Kian yelled at me

"With Jc, why?" i asked

" You were supposed to be home how long ago" Kian said

" okay and"

"Kelsey im sending you to live with your brother for now, you need to be with him so you can fix your relationship" mom said

"Really? When do I leave?" I asked

"You leave tomorrow" she said

"Okay, Jc can you help me" I said smirking

"Sure" Jc said

While packing in her room

"So why did you ask me to help" Jc asked 

"So we can talk" i said 

"About?" Jc asked

"While since im moving in with you guys im gonna stay in your room or in the spare room." I said 

"Your gonna be in my room babe" Jc said and kissed my forehead 

We the started packing all my stuff, i packeed my makeup, and items into a bag while jc packed my suitcase with clothes

"You should wear this tomorrow night" Jc said while holding up a sexy black bra with matching underwear 

"Maybe" i said smirking 

1 hour later we packed up all of my stuff that i would need. And went downstairs 

"Im hungry" Kian said 

i got up and ordered my self some food and got it deliverd.

"Where is ours" Kian asked 

"I dont know where is it?" I said back 

"Lets go to taco bell guys" Jc said 

"Kels, your coming, since i know its your favorite, unless im bringing back your usual" Jc said 

"Bring back my usual please" I said 

"Okay bye" they all said 

I decided i should tell the gang im moving in with kian but will still be in LA


K:Guys, i have something important to tell you guys
N:What's up
T:Yea what is up
K: Im moving in with Kian and the guys, but i will still be in the LA area
S:Aww okay
M:What is making you move in
L:Yea, is it Jc?
K:No my mom thinks it will be better for our "Relationship" between me and Kian
N:Oh okay 
S:You are gonna need to text us your new address
K:Of course, well i gotta pack i love you guys
N: Love you too
S:Love you
T:Love you
J:Love you
M:Love you
L:Love you

Kian's POV

I wonder what is going on between my sister and Jc, maybe there really close since Jc relates to her more with his past. But im glad he is able to talk to her for me. 

"Lets go" Bobby said 
"When is Franny coming home" Corey asked 

"She is gonna be back a day after Kelsey moves in" Jc said 

"Speaking of Kelsey, its okay for her to move in right" I asked 
"Of course it is" They all said

We got to taco bell and we all ordered. Jc got up to order for Kelsey since he knows what she wants.

"Guys, do you know what is going on with Jc and my sister" I asked 

"There best friends, jc is there for her and she trust him" Bobby said

"Okay" i said 

Jc came back with the food and we left to give it to Kelsey 

"We are home Kels" I yelled 

She came running down the stairs and got her food from jc and gave him a hug

Kelsey's POV

I gave Jc a hug for getting my food, since were leaving to Kian house tonight why not do something bad, I decided i would Spray Paint. I finished and ran upstairs changed into all black and got my bag with all my cans and a joint. 

I smoked my joint then went to Raplph's again to finish all of our art work. This time i made Mickey, Goofy and Pluto, i was able to finish all of them then smoked my joint, and relaxed while it settled in. Then decided to paint some more. I put up a clown and a heart that was broken, then put a dandage on it. I heard sirens. 

"Kels, lets go please" James asked
"Can i please run for a bit" I asked 

"I mean we are gonna catch you" Jannet said

with that being said i booked it and made it all the way home........It was okay until i heard more sirens and a knock on the door....... 

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