Chapter 1

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Kelsey's POV
Angel by Kyle was playing and that means it's time to wake up and get ready for hell

Outfit in picture above
Crop top with matching skirt
Black on back high top converse

Hair is down straight and makeup is eyebrows and highlight

I went downstairs and no surprise mom wasn't home so I just grabbed an apple and drove to school in my black lambo. Yea we're kinda rich since my mom is a doctor and top notch and one of the best in LA. I pulled up and meet with my crew and we all walked down the halls to our classes. Everyone moved out of our way, first period was math with the bitch Mrs. Morissey and she was my least favorite but best one to pick on. I walked down the hall with Sara and  Niki since there the only ones in the class with me & we're gonna go late.

" Ms. Lawley why are you late?" She asked
" why the fuck not" I said
"Attitude" she said
"Whatever, just start the boring ass lesson so I can leave this hell hole" I said

5 minutes into class and me Niki and Sara are talking

"Ms. Lawley what is so important now, that you mucky interrupt my class" she asked

"Well I'm pretty sure nobody is listening to your boring ass lessons" I said back in anger

"Go to the office now!" She yelled
"Anything to get the fuck away from you" I said

"Kelsey again?" The principle Christopher asked me
"Yea, morrisey was being a bitch" I said
"Language, but you can relax and go to lunch then carry on" he said
"Okay, bye see u later" I said walking out

I was walking in to lunch to see my crew sitting down, I heard that little bitch and her minions

"Oh look who it is miss tuff girl" tiffinay said
"Oh look it's the slut" I said
"Your gonna pay for that" she said
"What you gonna do" I asked
"This" she then punched my jaw and it didn't hurt that bad but yet again it's my jaw
I got up and grabbed her hair pulled her done got on top and punched her nose this it bled, gave her a black eye and picked her jaw. Someone was pulling me off I couldn't tell who but let's just say good thing they did.

"Calm down baby" Niki said to me to calm me
"Thanks Niki" I said

"Kelsey and Tiffinay come now" Christopher said

We walked in and the bitch walked out of the office crying so I walked in and he said I was suspended for 3 days, basically for hurting her even though she punched first it don't matter.

I went home and smoked a couple of hit from my bong then went downstairs and had some munchies

I texted the crew to see if they wanna go do some graffiti and they said that they were all down. I meet them at Target and we started we heard some sirens and we ran....

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