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when i woke up yet again, the sun was setting under the trees and the brightly colored headlights shined into my eyes, causing me to squint and look away from the window.

i looked to ryan, who had one hand on the steering wheel and the other was busily typing at his phone. he turned his head to me, turning off his phone and placing it on the arm rest, then returning his gaze to the road.

he pulled off the next exit, stopping for gas. without asking, i opened the car door and entered the gas station. i realized i had no money, and it didn't appeal to me to ask ryan for any, so i walked to the bathroom.

it was your classic gas station bathroom, the white titles with one row of faded blue titles on the wall was covered with mold. obviously it hasn't been cleaned in a while. i locked the door, just in case, and walked over to the mirror.

my hair was a lost cause, i attempted to run my fingers through it to get rid of the knots and smooth it out, but instead it made it frizzy. dark circles defined my eyes, and my shirt was wrinkly.

i gave up, turning on the sink and sticking my hands under the cold water. i splashed water on my face, trying to wake myself up. it worked at the slightest, and i turned off the faucet and walked out the bathroom.

ryan was bent over near the chips, squinting at the bags. he saw me walk over to him and he stood up.

"is there any specific brand you like? i can't decide" he scratched the back of his neck.

i smiled, my mood brightened by something as simple as someone letting me choose the chip brand. "(your favorite brand)"

ryan scanned the shelves, then grabbing the bag and handing it to me.

"pick out some candy, i have to go to the bathroom"

he didn't waste any time before walking to the bathroom. i chuckled, making way towards the candy and picked out some. i waited near the register, acting as if i was fascinated by the keychains so i didn't have to explain to the cashier that i had no money, and that i was waiting for my friend to get out the bathroom.

sooner or later ryan paid for the food, and he picked out some drinks as well. we left the gas station and went back into the car.

"mind if we just keep driving? id like to get to my place as soon as i can" ryan turned his keys in the ignition.

"what about tyler?"


"he is?" i said cautiously. it seemed too good to be true.



captive // reader, josh dun, tyler joseph Where stories live. Discover now