Evie's Fashion Scheme

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Author's POV

The next day Mal awoke to Evie ushering ten women into their room along with Doug. She groaned and groggily sat up. "Really E isn't it a little early for all of this?" Mal asked. "Mal it's 10:30 AM it's not to early you just slept to late." Evie replied. "Whatever I'm going to get dressed and find Ben." Mal stated. "Ok just don't do anything I wouldn't do." Evie said only half teasing her she was partly serious. She had caught them making out in their room twice which was really awkward it took her a week before she was able to look Ben in the eye. " Don't worry I'm not ready for that yet and neither is he." Mal replied before going to the bathroom to change due to the fact that there were eleven extra people in their room. After dressing in some black leather tights a purple tank top that accentuated her body just right without revealing to much with rhinestones on the collar she put on her black leather jacket and a pair of boots wth studded spikes on the sides all designed by Evie. Mal then combed her hair,brushed her teeth, put on deodorant, and even added a quick swipe of strawberry flavored lip gloss. After she left the bathroom she said by to Evie and set off in search of her boyfriend.

Mal had searched just about everywhere in the castle but there was no sign of Ben anywhere. Finally she decided to check one last place the throne room, and sure enough there he was sitting on his throne which was rare and reading a document in his hand. He was so focused on his work he didn't even notice her entrance. Mal decided to take advantage of his distraction.Carefully and quietly she snuck behind him and covered his eyes with her hands. At first Ben was startled. "Why Jay I didn't know you cared." Ben said playfully. His eyes were still covered so he had no clue what she was about to do. Mal moved so she was in front of him but managed to keep his eyes covered. She then straddled his lap causing him to gasp in surprise. However he didn't have long to breathe before Mal's mouth was on his firm and insistent. He tried to move her hands of his face but she didn't budge. after they broke apart and caught their breath Mal said, "I am not Jay." Mal then looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5:00 "Ben we are going to be late for dinner." Mal said getting off of his lap and pulling him out of the room. "Okay, okay I'm coming." He said.

Once Ben and Mal got to the main dining room they saw that everyone was already there and waiting for them.
"Hey guys." Mal an Ben greeted. "Well well look at what the cat dragged in with rumpled clothes if I had to guess I would say you and Ben just made out." Evie said with a wicked grin causing everyone to look at Ben and Mal. And after taking in their appearance the rest of the group came to the same conclusion. " I will have you know we didn't make out we kissed for a minute and beside what Ben and I do in our spare time is our business." Mal huffed indignantly. "Oh calm down I was only teasing." Evie said. "Anyway moving on, Evie how are the clothes coming along?" Ben asked changing the subject. "Not nearly as slow as I thought I actually have yours, Jay's, Carlos's and Doug's wardrobes finished." Evie smiled proudly, then again its always easier and quicker to design guy clothes. " That's great to hear E, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm really excited to see what you designed for me." Mal said. "Well speaking of that I am the only one who will know what any of you other ladies will be wearing. Every day it will be a surprise and this way you can't try to wear something else if you don't want to wear what I made." Evie said smugly. "But E." Mal whined. "No buts or complaints you don't see Jane or Lonnie complaining do you? No. So don't try to change my mind or sneak around behind my back because with Carlos's help I have designed your suitcases that contain your clothes with a hand scanner which will only work for me and before you think about doing it while I'm asleep I have to be conscious for it to work." Evie said smirking. Mal then glared daggers at Carlos for helping Evie with such a thing. He held his hands up in surrender. "Hey I was forced into this, she said that if I didn't do this she would make sure all the clothes I'd be wearing for this trip were pink." Mal explained desperately trying to keep Mal from murdering him. Mal just sighed in defeat. This was going to be a long trip.

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